Friday, 12 May 2017

Finding the positives. #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

I started to write this post and it was quite negative. My original word was going to be "irritated"....It's been one of those weeks! I have just had a lot of moments where I have rolled my eyes, swore and felt very annoyed but it hasn't all been bad. I have ended the week and found the positives in all the not so good moments...

I rearranged the girls heart check up appointments at the end of March....We couldn't get there for 9am as it's a 2 hour trip. They sent us new afternoon appointments for August with a promise we wouldn't be sent early appointments again.....

I got a letter saying the August appointments had been cancelled and we had new one's in September at 9.30am....Ugh! I swore at the letters. lol I got back on the phone and the next available one's are in October!

At least now the appointments are later on in the year....August is our most expensive month. It has Stu & Ellie's birthday, Becky's at the start of September and then school uniform to buy.....In October we will have more money so we can do some Christmas shopping. 

I have used to the same place to order my e-cigarette supplies for years and I have never had a problem until this week.....I placed an order and they decided to only send half of it and a note saying sorry, items were out of stock and I will be refunded with online store credit. I thought it was rather cheeky. They could have emailed me and asked if I wanted half an order. I didn't. I would have rather have just got it all from somewhere else and as for just refunding me store credit. That really wound me up. After a couple of strongly worded emails the money is being returned to my bank. I have now found somewhere else to buy my supplies which is a lot cheaper and without the mess up I wouldn't have known about it.  

I had a sort out in my bedroom which I have been putting off for ages...It was desperately needed. I left a pile of clothes to go to the charity shop on the floor which Becky had a mooch through. She found a pair of PJ bottoms which I bought when I was pregnant with her.....They just about fit her. They're a little large but they're pj's so it doesn't She finds it amazing that they are older than her. 

I gave in and bought my girls a fidget spinner each....They have been playing with them all week and they are a lot less annoying than I thought they would be....I haven't told the girls but I do think they are quite cool. 

Ellie did the walk home from school on Monday with her little friend....I worried all day and at 4pm I was there looking down the street for her. I needn't have worried. She was home at exactly the right time and loved being independent.

A couple of months ago Ellie's school and a few others put on a showJoseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. When she was at choir on Monday the teacher told them in December the show is on with Joe McElderry who won X-Factor playing Joseph and everyone who took part in the school production can go....I was actually looking at tickets for it last week as a treat just before Christmas. So Ellie may be going to see it twice. I don't think she'll complain. 


  1. I sympathise with about the irritation of making appointments, no one listens do they. It took me 3 phone calls and getting my husband to call to get one that isn't months away. It's great that you found some positives to focus on. Have a lovely weekend x #WotW

    1. We have said for at least 7 years to the hospital that we can't get there before about 10am at the earliest. They just don't listen. I will be having words when and if we go in October. There is still chance for them to change it. lol x

  2. You should always look for the positives :) Well done to Ellie for walking home alone and how exciting going to see Joseph at the theatre. Can I come please?

    1. I should but sometimes don't.
      Thank you! hehehe x

  3. Appointment times are one of my bugbears too but it's good you've finally got one at a time that suits. Also being able to spread things throughout the year is always helpful :)

    1. Ahh! It is a perfect time as long as they stick with it. lol
      Thank you x

  4. With all the bad things going on in my life its always uplifting to read something positive! Lovely word and my son is bugging me to get him spinner and after reading this I might give in as well! #wotw #mmbc

    1. Ahh! Bless you! I wish I could just go to you and bring you here away from everything bad!! Thank you x

  5. I love that you've managed to turn this around and find the positives, not always easy to do and it sounds like there have been plenty of frustrations this week. Glad the walk home went well, too x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

    1. When I first wrote the post it annoyed me at me moaning so I had to have something a bit more positive.
      Thank you x

  6. Appointment timings drive me crazy, they are always at 9am or 3pm and don't get me started on the consultants who don't turn up until 10am when your appointment was at 9!!! It was a poor show of the company to refund store credit, I'm glad you've found a different company for the future #wotw

    1. Ahh! I have a feeling our appointment was cancelled because of the consultant having other things to do. Thank you.

  7. I read your title and thought it another table cloth had bitten the dust. Your week's disruptions are just as irritating if not more so. Glad you can see the positives. There always is one, but so often hidden. Hope next week goes more smoothly. #wotw

    1. hahaha! All the table cloths are safe.
      Thank you.

  8. Sounds irritating, but so good that you managed to find the positives! x

  9. It sounds really frustrating, I hate making appointments but it is good you can see things in a positive perspective X #wotw

  10. Oh thats so annoying and so long to wait for a hospital appointment. Ha ha thats so funny that the pjs are older then her, I too cleared out my wardrobe recently but if i am honest I need to of it again a be a little more ruthless x

  11. Don't get me started on appointments. The Doctors surgery recently had me very frustrated. Looking for the positives sure does help. #WotW

  12. What a nightmare with the appointments, I'm glad the new time works well for your family. Lets not talk about bedroom sorting ;0) #WotW

  13. Oh how frustrating that you had to rearrange the girls' heart appointments yet again but on the plus side it is a better time of year for you all. How lovely that Ellie might be getting to see Joseph twice and I love that Becky has now got PJ bottoms that are older than she is! :-) #WotW

  14. It won't surprise you to hear that it's great you've turned your irritations into positives Kim! A girl after my own heart! It can be really hard to do sometimes but after an initial 'ugh!' moment, it does feel better... #wotw
