Saturday 20 May 2017

A photo everyday for a year - Week 20 #Project365

Another week another Project 365 post. A photo every day for a year....It's been a funny week weather wise....Two cold days of rain....Two sunny and warm and then yesterday it was absolutely chucking it down but really warm....Make your mind up please!

133/365 - 13th May
My fella was out which of course meant pizza and so many sweets....

134/365 - 14th May
Crafts and a lot of mess...

135/365 - 15h May
My teen had more homework. This terms topic is Macbeth.

136/365 - 16th May
She hates washing up. hehehe

137/365 - 17th May
My teen had her 2nd HPV vaccine injection & got a fancy bracelet....

138/365 - 18th May
Just listening to music.

139/365 - 19th May
All dressed up for a family party.


  1. The girls look lovely all dressed up. Love the picture of your daughter washing dishes hehe x

  2. it look alike your daughter hates you taking photo's of her doing the washing up also, the girls look lovely dressed up for the party, hope you all had a good evening

    1. She just hates washing up. hehehe
      We had a lovely time. Thank you x

  3. That pizza looks delicious! You can tell how much your girl hates washing up! That photo makes me smile :)

    1. It is so good. Just from our local takeaway. It only costs £4 so it's very hard to resist buying every week. lol
      Thank you x

  4. I smiled at the dish washing photo as well, you could always offer to buy them a dishwasher between them all for

    1. We have thought about getting a dish washer but there is no room in the kitchen to put one. Ugh. Thank you x

  5. Love the washing up expression! The pizza looks good :) Lovely photo of the girls dressed up x

    1. hehehe! I feel like that too when I have to wash the dishes. x

  6. your daughters silly face did make me smile! well done to her for washing up though. Both girls look very smart all dressed up. that pizza is making me hungry x

    1. hehehe. She earns more computer time if she washes up. It's the only reason she does it. Thank you x

  7. Good to see the kiddos at the sink! Must get mine at my sink more often!

  8. Loving that dish washing photo - there was nothing she could do with her hands in the water! Great capture hehehe!! Oh I'd do pizza too if it was just me and the kids. Mine could eat pizza until it came out of their ears!
    I love the last shot of them all dressed up ready for a party - hope you all had a good time
