Friday, 5 May 2017

Talking to my girls. #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

Another bank holiday has kept me confused to what day it is....Next week we will hopefully get back into more of a routine....I love these short weeks but they are making me feel like I'm losing my mind at times....We haven't really been up to much this week.

Anyway on to my word of the week.....Talking. Obviously I talk to my girls a lot but this week we seemed to have had a lot of deep conversations.....

Over the weekend Becky and I watched a couple of films. The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas first. She had watched half of it at school when she was learning about the war in history and they read most of the book in English. The teachers wouldn't let them see the end of the film or read the end of the book.....I now know why! I won't ruin it but oh my goodness it was heartbreaking! I had a fair idea what happened but the ending wasn't what I was expecting. It was way worse.....Becky and I had a good chat about what happened and her thoughts about it....It made me realise how mature she is. 

The next film we watched was A Street Cat Named Bob. which is based on a true story about a homeless street musician and recovering drug addict who befriends an amazing cat....If I had a pound for every time we said Aww! during it I would be very rich....It is a sad but heartwarming story at the same time. By the end Becky and I were smiling so much.....It did bring up some things to talk about like why people use drugs, why some people live on the streets and why people can be so cruel.

Last week a letter was sent home about choir restarting. We had a teachers training day last week and a bank holiday this week so it seems ages since she was last at the after school club....I signed the form to let her walk home without me which she will be doing on Monday. We had a good chat with her about road safety and some rules and I think she listened. Eek!

On Tuesday Ellie had the big puberty talk at school which gave us plenty to talk about at home....She told me all about everything she had learned. She got a little giggly when she talked about body parts but I think that's only natural....She also mentioned during puberty you sweat more. She said she is well into puberty now because she always has sweaty I have my orders to buy her roll on deodorant (not for her hands. lol) and extra sanitary pads because there is no way she is using tampons. Her words not I think she is a while off starting her periods but she seems mentally prepared for them which is good....

This week has again made me realise that my girls are growing up....Becky has opinions on difficult subjects which I would usually shield her from and Ellie isn't the little girl I keep thinking she is. 


  1. Lots of deep conversations going on this week. The ending of The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas is heartbreaking. Good luck with Ellie walking home from school and sounds like she is well prepared for puberty! So good to be able to talk and be open about these things. #WotW

    1. There was.
      Ahh! The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. I knew someone died but that! It was so sad.
      Thank you x

  2. It's great that you can talk to your girls on all manner of subjects. I think communication is the key to making a smooth transition through the teenage years and beyond

    1. It really is...I think being open with them means they will be with me too :)
      Thank you x

  3. Being able to talk to your children about everything and anything is so important isn't it. Makes them much more likely to share the things with you they find difficult. Although I think the whole puberty talk is the most awkward and uncomfortable as a parent, it's hard to do without giggling. Have a lovely weekend. #WotW

    1. It really is...
      The basic puberty talk wasn't too bad. My teen has been learning more in lessons at school and some of the questions she has came out with have had me cringing. lol
      Thank you x

  4. It's good to have deep conversations, it shows maturity and there is no doubting that Becky is maturing fast. I can understand your fears about Ellie walking home alone. At least it won't be dark now. x

    1. Becky is. She is maturing way too fast but in a good way. She has a really sensible head on her shoulders. Phew.
      Thank you x

  5. Lots of in depth chats for you, it's great that you're all able to talk openly, the girls are definitely growing up x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  6. You do have a lovely relationship with your girls. Big topics this week. I'm always bowled over at how well my two older deal with subjects like these ones. Children never cease to surprise me. A street cat named Bob is on my list to see. Missed it at the cinema. #wotw

    1. Aww! Thank you!
      Kids do amaze us a lot.
      You need to watch A street cat named Bob. It's sad but so happy at the same time x

  7. oooo another milestone hit walking home alone. It definitely is a bank holiday, oh well at last we are prepared for the next one, lol! I loved the book A Street Cat Named Bob, it is really good story X #WOTW

  8. Your girls are growing up! The conversation topic is so grown up! And its so nice that you are doing this with them. I remember as a kid that my mother feels a bit awkward when we are talking about puberty but I appreciate that she did. Its so confusing but it sounds nicer when its from your Mom! #wotw

    1. It feels good that I can have grown up conversations with my teen.
      Thank you x

  9. Read the Boy in the striped pyjamas, then saw the film. Cried buckets! Read the Bob book but not seen the film. Can see how they would both open up very interesting discussions. #wotw

    1. They are both great films which really gave us plenty to talk about. Thank you x

  10. I loved the book 'A Street Cat Named Bob' but haven't seen the film. I can imagine that it raised lots of questions.

    I think we may be having the puberty talk soon but I've bought a book for when the questions start. I'm not sure how much they cover in school.


    1. Good luck with the puberty talk. A book is a great way to start. At school with my girl is was just the basics about body parts, periods and how the body changes. x

  11. I'm not surprised that they didn't show the end of that very sad film at school. Reading about your girls reminds me what I've got to come. #WotW

    1. The end was just awful. I'm glad we watched it together.
      Thank you x
