Sunday 20 March 2022

This is what I like to see! #MySundaySnapshot

Hasn't the weather been lovely this past week, well apart from on Wednesday when it was grey and rainy all day. It feels like spring is here. I've been out in the garden planting things. This year I am growing cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, mint, strawberries, sunflowers and hopefully lots of flowers.

On Monday there was blue skies, sunshine, washing on the line and the grass being cut. It really was nice to see. Brighter days are here!

My back garden

My Sunday Snapshot linky


  1. Sounds like you will have a wonderful crop to eat! Hope the flowers come up and look lovely!

  2. Isn't it the best putting washing on the pine x #mysundaysnapshot

  3. I am so happy you had such beautiful weather! Here, Wednesday was our best day actually with temperatures rising to 16°C. It truly brightens my day when the sun shines and it gets warmer. We're supposed to get even warmer weather here this week.

    As for your garden, I really envy it. I don't have a green thumb or a garden for that matter, but would really like to grow some herbs on my balcony. #MMBC

  4. It is a beautiful day - love the blue skies! #MMBC

  5. Lol ! that's a nice shot !!

  6. I always love seeing washing on the line. Nice photo!!


  7. Such a lovely sight! The sun and warmer weather make everything better.
    I'm impressed by how many things you are planning to grow this year.

  8. Oh the joys of the springtime washing line loads - doesn't it make such a difference? My tumble dryer is breathing a sigh of relief! Thanks for sharing and for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot.
