Thursday, 3 March 2022

My grocery top three.

I saw this tag over on the lovely Joanne's blog, Slices of Life a while ago, saved it and forgot about it until I was doing some spring cleaning on my laptop. Grocery shopping is something that most of us do so I found it so interesting.

Shopping receipt

I am shopping fortnightly at the moment and always get our food shop delivered through online shopping. I would love to do a shop in a real shop but unless I tag along with my dad it would cost too much. At least 1 bus there depending on which supermarket we went to then a taxi back costing at least £15. It is cheaper to do it online.

Preferred Food Stores?

1. Tesco - Is my number 1 choice because I save my Clubcard points up for Christmas, I rarely have substitutions from them when I order online and we have a little Tesco store locally.

2. Iceland - I do a shop with Iceland about once a month to stock the freezer up. I love the big packs of things like chicken breast, nuggets and meat and they also do big bags of potatoes which we go through lots of.

3. Asda. - Once in a while I will get a food shop from Asda just to get some different things. They are great when it comes to getting gifts and random things with the food shop too. 

Least Preferred Food Stores?

1. Morrisons - After my last online food shop it has cemented the fact that they are not the shop for me. They arrived an hour and a half early and the man delivering just laughed about it to me and then explained to Stu the computer system had messed up. At least my shopping wasn't delivered at 7am when I was expecting it that afternoon like someone before us. Another reason I am not keen is that instead of giving you your substitution for the price of the item you ordered they charge the price of the sub sent. Not fun when I order 69p pasta sauce & they send one for £2.

2. Sainsbury's - They're OK but I always get a lot of things not available or subs which are nothing like I have ordered.

3. The Co-op. I love the Co-op for little things like their sausage rolls and doughnuts from the bakery and their breakfast pastries but I couldn't do a weekly shop from there. I did try when we were in the full lockdowns and they are just too expensive.

Always on my Shopping List?
Apart from the usual like bread and milk.

1. Chocolate Chip muffins - Stu has one every morning with his coffee.
2. Tomato ketchup - We go thorough a bottle a week at least.
3. Doughnuts - I buy them as a treat with every food shop.

Rare Purchases?
1. Cleaning products - I tend to get the cleaning stuff when we go to town from the Poundshop or Savers.
2. Sweets and chocolate - We don't actually eat a lot of sweets and chocolate until a Saturday night and then we go to our local shop and buy what we fancy. I am so into fizzy cola bottles at the moment.
3. Brown sauce - We all like brown sauce but a bottle will last us ages as we all only ever have it on certain things. I only ever have it on Sausage sandwiches or Beans on toast.

Never on my Grocery Store List?
1. Curry powder - To make curry sauce. My dad always buys a big tub from a Chinese supermarket and gives us some that lasts us until the next lot he buys.
2. Hair dye - I really don't like the one's you can buy from supermarkets. I buy it from Directions Hair instead.
3. Anything for pets - We don't have any. (I struggled for a 3rd one)

Cereal Most Often Purchased?
1. Frosties.
2. Crunchy Nut Cornflakes.
3. Weetabix.

Biscuits Most Often Purchased?
1. Rich Tea.
2. Chocolate digestives.
3. Chocolate chip cookies.

Spices Most Often Purchased
1. The jars of Lazy Garlic.
2. Mixed herbs.
3. Chilli powder.

Fruit Most Often Purchased?
1. Bananas
2. Apples
3. Strawberries

Vegetables Most Often Purchased
1. Potatoes.
2. Carrots.
3. Mushrooms.

Condiments Most Often Purchased?
1. Ketchup.
2. Mayonnaise
3. BBQ sauce 

What are your shopping habits like? Do you always buy the same thing with every shopping trip?

1 comment :

  1. We shop online with Tesco now too and usually find them pretty reliable. Before Covid I used to stop at Asda several times a week as it's on the way back from school but now I rarely go there. I mainly just used to buy biscuits and things from the bakery so it's a much better arrangement for my waistline! We also do a shop from Ocado about twice a year because they sell a particular brand of passata that my husband likes for making pizzas. We have an entire shop made up of about 40 cans, we do get a funny look!
