Tuesday 9 July 2024

Share our Lives - A day in my life!

This months Share Our Lives linky prompt is: Day in the life, Summer edition. I had this post all planned for what was going to be a lovely summer's day, housework, lunch out at the pub, then watch the football but then things happened and the day went on way longer than it should have and our plans changed dramatically. This was my Tuesday the 25th of June.

Washing on the line

I woke up when my youngest Ellie was getting ready for college (or so I thought) just after half past seven and I got out of bed soon after. I could already tell it was going to be a scorcher of a day. We were in the middle of a mini heatwave. It was set to be 25C. Before I had even had a cup of tea I got some wet washing out on the line! It was the last load that I had to do, I did think about changing all of the beds but it is such a workout and didn't fancy it with it being so warm.

At around 10am I decided that I would prepare our evening meal as our kitchen gets so hot on an afternoon. Beef Meatball & Tomato Farfalle. I had the back door open and it was still so hot so it was such a good idea to cook it when I did.

Beef Meatball & Tomato Farfalle recipe card

I went back in the living room and did a bit of blog reading and commenting while I cooled down a little and my next job on my to do list was sort out all of the washing that I had got done the day before. I always say to myself as soon as it comes off the line or out of the dryer I am going to sort it and put it away upstairs! I never do and then I am left with a pile like this!!

Clean washing pile

I had a look on social media and saw that there was 50% off food at our local pub all day because England were playing in their final match of the group stage in the Euro's football tournament. Becky was home and I suggested we go out for a late lunch after she had a tidy in her bedroom and put her clothes away. I still had to get dressed as I was still in shorts and vest top so she had plenty of time.

Dressed for the day

We headed off to the pub at about half past one. I did mean to get a photo of Becky in her shorts as she never wears shorts, she never shows off her legs but has started to feel more confident about herself but by the time we had got to the pub, got a lemonade and sat down we forgot all about the photo. We said we'd get one on the way home. We ordered onion rings, a chip butty and a fish finger butty and decided to share them and have half of each which was such a great idea.

Lunch out

Becky and I finished lunch and were sat chatting, we had just ordered another drink, luckily it was lemonade and not another cider that we had with lunch. I then got a phone call from Ellie's college. The safeguarding team said they had her and she was very drunk and unwell. I do not allow her to drink alcohol unless it's at Christmas and it's Bucks Fizz and I certainly didn't know she had been skipping college so it came as quite the shock.

The short version of the story is she had been drinking vodka with friends, got steaming drunk and was outside all day which meant she had a bit of heat stroke too. We took her off to hospital where they kept her in to fill her with fluids and keep an eye on her.

It was no fun in A&E waiting to be seen. We got there a little after 4pm and saw various people who checked different things, took blood, blood pressure and did and ECG. It got to 8pm and we were still in the main waiting area. I was filling her with water which of course was making her vomit, thank goodness for the cardboard bowls.

Hospital room

At around 9pm we were admitted to the assessment unit with a bed and a bit of privacy. She was going to be kept in for the night so they could keep an eye on her and make sure she wasn't severely dehydrated (she was). My dad came and took me home so I could grab some things like pj's for Ellie and comfy clothes and I went straight back to the hospital. Ellie had a cannula put in and that was an ordeal as they couldn't find a vein as she was dehydrated and it turns out she has really small veins.

Ellie is 16 years old and is classed as an adult so we were panicking that she would have to stay in hospital by herself but thankfully they said I could stay with her and I am glad I could. Ellie was vomiting at least every half hour between about 11pm and 5am. She hit the bowl every time apart from once at about 3am. The amazing nurses came in to change the bed and help her get changed as she had a drip in, giving her fluids. It was then I went in the corridor and sobbed. I had 5 minutes of not being the strong one and then went back with Ellie. She slept for a couple of hours on and off between 5am and 7am and I slept for about 30 seconds at a time, I think. Coffee and adrenalin kept me going. I think I had about 10 minutes sleep in all that night.

By the time morning came around Ellie was much better in herself, she had stopped vomiting and was just much brighter. There were a lot of tears from us both but then they brought toast and once she had something in her stomach she felt much better about everything. She was still dehydrated and her bloods were coming back not right due to the alcohol poisoning which meant more fluids and blood tests. Her dad came back to the hospital just after 9am and we sat for the day with more blood tests, moved to a different ward and more tests.

They wanted to keep her in for longer and did. She ended up having another night in hospital and we were finally allowed home on the Thursday. There is a lot more to the story about my youngest which I have chosen not to share.

So there you have it, a day in my life. Not the one I had planned and it was extra long. The food I cooked in the morning mostly went to waste and we missed watching England in their match but I don't think we missed much, there were no goals but they got through to the next round. Ellie is absolutely fine now and gave herself (and us) such a scare she has swore never to drink alcohol again until she is much older. It was a lesson learned the hard way!

Share our lives linky

I am linking up with:

 Adrienne from Mom Life with Adrienne.
Dara from Not In Jersey.
Joanne from Slices of Life.
Sarah from Toronto Sam.


  1. What a day! So glad that Ellie is ok now and I'm sure she learned a valuable lesson.

  2. Sounds like a good day. I love that you hang your laundry. I want a clothes line again, even if it just for beach towels

  3. Oh gosh. I'm so sorry that happened and hopefully Ellie did learn to be more careful with drinking now. As a mom, I'm sure it was very difficult! I fear my youngest will drink, as he already likes the taste of beer and my husband enjoys it so I think he may find it cool. My oldest doesn't like it though, and I'm not sure about my middle!

  4. What a scary ordeal! But I am so glad that she was fine after a couple of days and it does sound like she really learned her lesson.

  5. What a day!! I’m so glad Ellie was ok and the hospital staff were so good. Sending a great big hug xxx

  6. Really awesome post and looks like a fun blog hop!

  7. What a scare! I'm glad Ellie is ok. I dread worrying about these things as my kids get older.
