Friday 5 July 2024

What I have loved this week! Week 27. #FridayFavourites

I had a break from linking up to the Friday Favorites with Erika and Andrea last week, in fact I didn't even write a post of things that I loved as we had drama with my youngest and I just wasn't in the right head space for blogging. Things are much better now and I have some favourites to share. We have a busy few days planned but I will get around reading the other posts and commenting sometime over the weekend.

What I have loved this week

The NHS!
Our National Health Service is amazing and I am so grateful for them. My youngest was admitted to hospital after doing something silly. She got drunk on one of the hottest day's of the year and was treated for dehydration and alcohol poisoning. The doctors, nurses, health care assistants, cleaners and even reception staff did all they could to make the whole awful experience as easy as they could be. Ellie even said that she felt like she was wasting their time when it was her fault that it happened. Yes, it was her fault but we are not holding it against her, we were all teenagers once and made stupid mistakes. Words have been had, she hasn't had her phone for over a week, treats have been few and far between and there's certainly no going out with friends for the foreseeable. 

England are through to the quarter finals of the Euro's but they sure went the long way around it. They were losing one goal down from around 25 minutes and most of us watching at home were saying the manager should be sacked for not bringing substitutions on. It seemed hopeless until we scored in the last minute of extra time which I don't think anyone expected! It went to extra, extra time and we got another and sailed through to the next round. I almost lost my voice shouting at the TV. I don't think my nerves can take watching another England match. I have enjoyed watching the other matches too. On Saturday we saw a game stopped just before half time because of a storm, there was thunder, lightning and a ton of rain, people had to leave their seats because of it! I've never seen a match stopped like that before! There was Cristiano Ronaldo crying because he missed a penalty. Lots of yellow cards and disallowed goals. I think I love all the drama more than the actual football. lol

Rain at the football

My own bed!
After spending a night, mostly awake in hospital with Ellie I really am appreciating my bed. On the 2nd night of her hospital stay Ellie's dad stayed with her and I was in bed just after 8pm and woke at around 6am. That seems to have gave my sleep pattern the kick up the bum it needed and now most nights I am asleep by 11pm and waking up just after 7am. I am not a morning person so that is amazing for me! I feel like I am getting quality sleep and feel amazing for it!

Game of Thrones.
I did start watching House of the Dragon, the prequal to Game of Thrones and got about 10 minutes in and realised I was not in the mood for it. I needed something easy to watch and Game of Thrones was the obvious choice. I've seen it all before and it's great for a bit of background noise and something that I can occasionally glance at.

Glastonbury Festival.
Over the weekend most of the festival was shown on TV. Dua Lipa, Coldplay and someone called SZA were headlining but some of my favourites were Shania Twain, she of course was amazing and how does she not age? There was also Paloma Faith, Paul Heaton, The Streets and Cyndi Lauper. I always think I only know one of her songs, Girls Just Want To Have Fun and then she started singing and I knew a lot more! 

Shania Twain

An eBay win!
I am going to write more about it tomorrow but my fella sold something on eBay and we think the buyer was a bit of a scammer as he claimed the package was empty and then changed his story to it was stolen from his house. We didn't expect my fella to get any money back as eBay always sides with the buyer but he did. Phew! 

Moving the furniture!
Every so often I like to change the furniture around and over the weekend I did just that! I now have my armchair at the other side of the room from the window and I can see outside. I am one of those nosy neighbours and like to see who's coming and going. hehehe

It was our General Election yesterday and my fella, eldest and myself of course voted. I think our country is expecting to wake up this morning after all the votes have been counted to a new Prime Minister being announced, I hope so anyway, there needs to be a change. I just hope it's for the better!

What have you loved over the last week?

Friday Favorite linky


  1. Lots of great favorites this week! That is wonderful that you are getting so much sleep; I never used to struggle with sleeping and hate how lethargic I feel all the time lately. Those nights I do sleep well feel just wonderful. I hope the voting results go the way you want them to! I am so bummed that our elections this year bring me zero hope for any change of any kind... so many people I talk to are saying this might be the year they don't vote at all since neither candidate seems better (or new!).

  2. You are so right about the Euros, it was so much drama! I'm disappointed that Romania is out of the competition, of course. Now I only cheer for England. I hope tomorrow the game will be smooth and not wait an equalizer in stoppage time.

  3. Gosh, I'm so sorry about your daughter. Lesson learned, right? So grateful for medical professionals. Shania Twain looks great! I would love that drama, too. I didn't follow it but now I wished I had!

  4. First off, I’m so sorry for you and your daughter. Yes, teenagers do stupid things, and when they live to tell the story, I am thankful. I love Cyndi Lauper! It sounds like a great concert. And you got your wish! It’s all over the news here in the States. Labour us in!

  5. Great favorites! I should watch Game of Thrones all the way through again, it's been ages since I watched it.

  6. Sleeping in your own bed after days of sleeping elsewhere is always so nice!

  7. I had scammers. I would rather just donate then try to sell.

  8. I’m so glad your daughter is okay! Teenagers do lots of stupid things - but it sounds like she learned from her mistake! I sold something on eBay for $80 once, the buyer filed for a refund because she didn’t receive it in a week (and she agreed to media mail as it was curriculum). I had to refund her money and then two days later the tracking said she received the item. But I never got my money back.

  9. Lots of wonderful favourites! I missed all the excitement of the euro cup as well as the Glastonbury. I feel as if I’ve been living under a rock! Now that I’m on school holidays I’m catching up on so many things I’ve missed.
