Saturday 29 June 2024

This week my Word of the Week is: Hospital! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:


There's a song by My Chemical Romance, Teenagers and one of the lines is "All teenagers scare the livin' shit out of me" and that is so true, well mine does. She sure knows how to scare us. We've had a bit of drama with my Ellie. She is fine with me sharing this post! She said I should as it could be a warning for others.

Ellie did some very silly things on Tuesday when she was supposed to be at college. Drinking vodka, spending all day outside in the heat and hanging out where she shouldn't. The first I knew about it was when college rang and said they have her and she is very drunk and unwell. I felt so bad! I just assumed she was at college because she told me she was, I never thought to check on the tracking app we have or Snapchat as she has never bunked off college before as far as we knew. One of her older friends bought the alcohol and one of the only good things about them drinking was that they were mixing it with fizzy pop. I thought at first they were drinking it neat. The college said we should get her checked out at the hospital and off we went.

She was in hospital for 2 nights hooked up to a drip trying to get her rehydrated and her bloodwork right again. She had a cannula put in and that was used for anti sickness drugs and a bag of whatever they were pumping into her. It turns out she has small veins so had a nightmare getting blood from her as they were testing her blood every few hours. She is like a human pin cushion now with lots of bruises.

 I stayed with her on Tuesday evening and I had about 10 minutes sleep and Ellie had a couple of hours. Ellie was vomiting lots and there was of course all the checks from the nurses, doctors and the beeping from the machines. I stayed at the hospital all day Wednesday and then came home at about 6pm to see Becky and get some sleep! Stu stayed the night with her when she had been moved out of A&E and onto a different ward. I was sound asleep a little after 8pm and slept right through until 6am when I heard the bin men and remembered the bin hadn't been put out. I came running downstairs to sort that out.

By Thursday lunchtime Ellie's blood test results were coming back as almost normal and was given the go ahead to go home and finally got home just before 6pm with orders to drink plenty of water, stay out of the sunshine and leave the vodka alone. It seems all the sunshine has gone in the time that we have been in the hospital. Thankfully there is no lasting damage and we are going to college next week to discuss things.

Ellie knows what she has done wrong and is so sorry for scaring everyone. The little madam will be kept on a tight leash for the foreseeable. I know teenagers have to learn from their mistakes but this could have been so much worse. It has scared her and us. The thought of drinking any alcohol again makes her feel sick and she hasn't touched Dr Pepper since as that was what she was mixing the vodka with.

The NHS is amazing and all of the doctors, nurses and staff at the hospital. I know what she did was a waste of their precious time and it shouldn't have happened. Ellie knows that too and feels so ashamed! I can't fault any of the staff at the hospital, they were amazing with her and so supportive. There was no judgement which I am grateful for, it made the whole situation a lot easier to get through.

There's a lot more to the story and I am not sharing a lot of it as Ellie doesn't want me to which is fair enough. She was happy with me to share this part of what has gone on. Take me back to the baby and toddler years, it was so much easier. 

I hope you have all had a good week!

Word of the Week linky


  1. I'm so glad Ellie is ok! I can remember over-indulging when I was younger, having the absolute worst hangover, and throwing up all the next day. I swore I would never let that happen again.

    1. I think we all have over indulged in our younger years, it sure has scared her and she has sworn off alcohol.

  2. Oh no! I'm sorry you all had that experience and I'm glad that Ellie is ok and ok to share this as a warning to others. Hopefully even one person is helped. I truly hope it scares her off alcohol forever! Hope it never happens again. Oh, and well done to the NHS staff too.

    1. Thank you. It has scared her, she can't even bring herself to drink Dr Pepper as that's what she was mixing the vodka with so I think it will be a long time before she drinks any alcohol! x

  3. How frightening for both of you. I'm so glad she's ok. Does she have someone to talk to about why she went so far?

    1. I think it was partly peer pressure and partly not knowing her limits. She has a couple of appointments next week with college and a mental health person to talk things through.

  4. Oh dear. That's a hard lesson learned. But she's young we've all done things we shouldn't when we were young. Kids can frighten the bejaysus out of you. Glad she's okay now xx Karen Early Rising Mum

  5. What a scary experience for you all. It's good to know that Ellie is ok and it's really brave of her to let you share her story to help others. I hope that this week is less eventful.


  6. Wow that is scary. I am so glad she is okay and has learned from her mistake.

  7. What a scary experience for you and for Ellie. Thank goodness she is okay now and that there appear to have been no lasting damage. Hugs to you all x #WotW

  8. Oh gosh, that was a big scare. I'm glad Ellie is ok and it was brave of her to share her story to help others.
