Sunday 23 June 2024

Week 25 of #Project365 16th - 22nd June. A photo every day for a year!

June is flying over. We have a few things planned for next month and I keep thinking the things are weeks and weeks away but they're really not. Eek! Why does the best part of the year have to go by so quickly. 

My week has mostly been spent watching football and enjoying the sunshine, yes the sun has finally been shining here! Friday was just gorgeous and we spent most of it at my dad's. Today we need to do some gardening and cut the grass, apart from that we have nothing planned. I think we are going to have a lazy day at home.

Now for a photo every day!

My fella and the girls
Hay fever tablets and a bee
Voter certificate and feathers
Doctor Who and plant based chicken

168/365 - 16th June
Father's Day and the men in my life had a fab time. We went to see my dad, dropped off his present (which he loved) and went for lunch then went to the pub for a few drinks. The sun was shining so it was lovely sitting in the beer garden.

169/365 - 17th June
These hay fever tablets have kept me going for the past week. I woke on Monday thinking I had a cold but it was just allergies. Ugh! 

170/365 - 18h June
The bee's are loving my garden, they are big fans of the pollen unlike me.

171/365 - 19th June
I hunted out my Voter Authority Certificate ready to vote next month. I don't have any photo ID so got myself one of these last year so I could. If you have no photo ID you have until Wednesday to order a free one to vote in the upcoming election.

172/365 - 20th June
I was putting some rubbish out and noticed something on the grass, I went closer and noticed there was a pile of feathers. Poor bird. I am guessing a cat got it as there was no sign of the bird in my garden.

173/365 - 21st June
I stayed up to watch the last episode of Doctor Who off the iPlayer. Technically it was still my Friday as I hadn't gone to bed. hehehe It was good but a bit of a let down. I still enjoyed it though.

174/365 - 22nd June
Our Gousto box was delivered and we have Chick'n Pie later in the week using meat free chicken. I have never had meat free chicken before and I can't imagine how it's going to taste. It looks like ill slices of kebab meat from the takeaway shop. lol I am sure it will be lovely.

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  1. The weather had been nice hasn't it. I've also been watching quite a bit of football. My OH hasn't got a current photo ID that's on the authorised list. He's hoping his old passport still looks like him although I did tell him to get a voter certificate just in case.

  2. We're having some lovely weather here at the moment too. There's still a lot of pollen around so I take my allergy meds religiously.

  3. Yeah, I found myself sneezing up a storm sitting outside for breakfast this morning... so I really should still be taking my allergy medicine I guess; I don't remember allergy season being so long these past few years or else my body is getting more sensitive to it. You'll have to let us know how the meat-free chicken is.

  4. Lovely watching the bees in the garden – sorry to hear that the pollen isn’t so nice for you though but glad that the tablets are helping with the hay fever. Hope the meat-free chicken pie turned out okay. I’ve never tried the meat-free chicken either. #project365

  5. You just reminded me I have a few episodes of Doctor Who still to watch! My husband and nephew have been suffering with hayfever this week too!

  6. I've been sneezing for months now on and off. I've really enjoyed the latest Dr Who series. Shame about the bird in the garden. I'm pleased to say our cat doesn't go after the birds anymore.
