Saturday, 1 June 2024

This week my Word of the Week is: Together! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:


It has been half term week and it has been really lovely, it has been nice to spend time with my girls, with Stu and some time all together. It has been nice having Ellie home from college for a few extra days. She is heading towards the end of her first year studying electrical engineering and it has flown over. She has 4 more weeks to wrap things up and then she has a long summer. I am hoping it starts to feel like summer soon.

Hasn't the weather been awful this week! It has rained here almost every day and yesterday I was thinking about putting the heating on as it was so chilly. Thankfully the best day of the week was Monday when it was a bank holiday. Stu and I worked together and did the gardening. I mowed the grass and he strimmed round the edges. Becky was sleeping after a night shift and she said from around 8am until she woke up at 2pm she kept waking to the sound of lawnmowers and strimmer's. I think everyone on our row of houses cut their grass on Monday! Nobody was in the mood to cook so we all went out for a meal together. I had the gammon for a change and it was amazing! I think it might be my favourite meal yet from the pub.

Ellie has been binge watching Grey's Anatomy for the first time, I have banned Becky from talking about it with her as she is rubbish about keeping the storylines secret but one thing she didn't spoil was the end of season 5 and beginning of season 6 where one of the main characters die, it was a big shock for Ellie! The show has been going for that long that the character is almost forgotten about now so she avoided the spoilers. Now I feel that we can talk about it together more easily as most of the characters are pretty settled and stay alive for a few more seasons at least. 

The girls and I went to town on Tuesday, shopping! I wrote a blog post a couple of weeks ago how I love the shopping trips with my girls and this trip was a good one. As much as we love shopping with Stu, he carries the bags it's nice for us to go without him. Becky had a moment of panic when we were in HMV. She bought a few things and her bank card declined 3 times. Thankfully she had cash but I would have paid if she hadn't. The silly sausage had forgot to transfer money into her main account to cover the shopping trip. Oops. It could have been worse, it could have happened in Primark if she had spent £1 more, at least in HMV they are a bit more relaxed. She learned a lesson from it, always make sure to check your bank before you go shopping!

Becky is so happy at work at the moment, a new member of staff has gone onto her night shift and Becky has said she's amazing and everyone seems to be working well together which makes a nice change. It seems such a difference from a few months ago when Becky dreaded going to work each shift.

Yesterday Ellie and I went to my dad's and we had a lovely time as always and he even cooked our lunch. His partner was there and my brother too so it was nice for him to have us all together. It seems every week when I visit things change at his business, him and my brother have been working well together and hard. He has had things painted, is in the process of building a new toilet block and has just started building a new workshop. The workshop isn't even half way built and someone has already said that they want to rent it which is amazing.

We are looking forward to a weekend together as a family. I have no idea what we're doing this afternoon but there are a few shows about Bon Jovi tonight on BBC2 which I will be watching and tomorrow I think we are going out for Sunday lunch.

What word describes your week? I hope you have had a good one!

Word of the Week linky


  1. Our bank holiday weather wasn't bad this year too. We always say they seem to pick out all the rainy Mondays and make them into bank holidays! lol. Sounds like you had some lovely family time together so well done on that. This weekend we are all going out for a meal together which is a nice change as most times we make Sunday dinner ourselves. Glad you got time to spend with your family. This must continue to be cherised. Bring on Summer round here too!

  2. We've had half term too, the weather was okay, I managed to get out in the garden. It's nice not to have everyone rushing around. Karen Early Rising Mum

  3. It sounds like a good week apart from the weather and Becky's money issue. I've done the same myself though! We had a miserable bank holiday weather wise. I'm glad we had no plans this week. I used to feel miserable not doing anything at half term, but if the kids are happy then I am too and it's been really relaxing. xx

  4. Sounds like a lovely week being together. I can hardly believe Ellie has already nearly finished her first year. It seems like yesterday she was working hard towards her big school exams! I’m happy to hear that Becky has a new staff member for her shifts. It makes a world of difference when you work with good uplifting people!

  5. Glad you had a nice half-term and enjoyed having that time together. Sounds like you had a nice shopping trip – oops to Becky not transferring money into her account to cover the shopping trip – what a good job she had cash though. So glad that Becky is happier at work too. Sounds like you and Ellie had a lovely time visiting your dad and hope that you enjoyed having family time together at the weekend too. #WotW
