Sunday 30 June 2024

Week 26 of #Project365 23rd - 29th June. A photo every day for a year!

I am so glad to see the end of this week. I've had some bad weeks in my life and this one makes it up there in the top 5. Ellie ended up in hospital after doing some silly things, drinking vodka and spending all day outside in the sunshine. If you can think back to Tuesday it was red hot! She is fine now but she gave herself and us such a scare! All the doctors, nurses and staff at the hospital were amazing, there was no judgement even though there really should have been. I am so grateful to them.

We've had a quiet weekend, well Stu, Ellie and myself have. Becky went to a fancy dress party last night. Her and her girlfriend went as Troy and Gabriella off High School Musical. I am expecting to see the photos when she gets home.

Now for a photo every day!

Cheesecake and plants
Cannula and hospital food
Daylight and Glastonbury on the TV
Meal deal

175/365 - 23rd June
Biscoff cheesecake! We went out for lunch, we hadn't planned to but we were up early dealing with the water people and blocked drains and the thought of staying inside on such a lovely day did not appeal. I did not feel like cooking either so a roast dinner out was perfect!

176/365 - 24th June
All of my plants are outside now and I found a space for them. They could do with going in the ground but I am having problems with weeds. They were doing really well, now I am trying to bring them back to life after them not being watered for a couple of days.

177/365 - 25th June
Ellie's cannula pumping fluids into her. It was an ordeal to get it into her as it turns out she has really tiny veins and being dehydrated made them hide. She now has some amazing bruises from being poked and prodded

178/365 - 26th June
It turns out hospital food is not as bad as Ellie thought. She was looking and feeling more like herself which was a massive relief to everyone!

179/365 - 27th June
Daylight coming through the curtains on Thursday morning. I came home Wednesday evening to get some sleep while Stu stayed with Ellie at the hospital. I fell asleep while it was still light out and woke up at 6am and it was light out again. It confused me so much, I thought I had only been asleep for about an hour.

180/365 - 28th June
Glastonbury was on our TV for most of Friday.

181/365 - 29th June
We had to do something to make it feel like a Saturday so we got a meal deal delivered with the food shop! This is almost one of my favourite combos. Tuna & Sweetcorn sandwich with chicken satay skewers and chilli dip. They did substitute my drink though. This one was fine and the added vitamins probably did me good.

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  1. Glad is Ellie is ok, an important lesson learned though. We have been watching Glasto too - Dua Lipa and Coldplay were amazing

  2. Such a relief for you Ellie's ok. I'm guessing she won't be doing that again. Glad the rest of the week was calmer. I've been watching Glastonbury too

  3. Ugh, I remember my hand when I was hospitalized after a mild stroke (all ok now, thank goodness) in 2015 - black and blue. I have the same tiny, hidden vein problem. Glad she is home and doing well now. Biscoff cheesecake??? Sounds divine. Two of my school friends are at Glastonbury and having a blast!

  4. Goodness! I am glad your daughter is okay now. That must have been quite a scare!
    I wonder how many people at Glastonbury thought about the Nova festival goers on
    7th October?

  5. I'm glad that she if feeling better. It's also great that the doctors were not judgemental, we've all done stupid things in our youth.

  6. The Biscoff cheesecake sounds delicious! Your plants look so healthy, shame about the annoying weeds. The meal deal sounds so good, we don't have anything like that over here, I wish we did!

  7. So glad Ellie is okay now – such a scare for you all. That meal deal looks good. Hope you had a nice quiet weekend to help recover from your tough week. #project365

  8. Weeds seem to be crazy this year. Oh what a scare with Ellie, so glad she is OK!

  9. Sorry I'm late with the commenting. Glad Ellie has made a full recovery physically from her ordeal, she is so fortunate to have you, Stu and Becky to look out for her.
