Monday 3 June 2024

Our weekly meal plan! 3rd - 9th June! #MealPlanningMonday

Our weekly meal plan

Last weeks meal plan went well but we did swap all of the meals around! On Monday after working in the garden we decided to have a meal out at the pub, it was bank holiday after all. I had the gammon and it was so good, my favourite meal yet from there. All we missed off the meal plan was the home made pizza, we had the fish and chips on Saturday night instead.

We are not getting a Gousto box until the weekend as there wasn't enough meals on offer that we fancied and haven't had in the last few weeks. I don't want to get it just for the sake of getting it even though it does make my life easier. I have got it booked in for the next couple of weeks as there are quite a few new meals that we are looking forward to.

We don't have much on this week but Ellie is going to have a mad rush on Thursday. She has the 2nd English GCSE and then a dentist appointment a short time after. She should have enough time as long as the buses are running on time. Fingers crossed!

On the menu this week we have:

Monday - Stu is cooking so it will be a surprise! I am sure whatever it is will be nice. I am guessing something with pasta.
Wednesday - Bingo night so Becky and I will be eating out and Stu and Ellie will be fending for themselves.
Thursday - Red onion and bacon tart with potato salad. This was a Gousto meal that I changed, it is so simple and tasty. I always make extra to have for lunch the next day too.
Friday - Pizza! Shop bought one's out of the freezer.
Saturday - Gousto meal - Battered Sausage With Chips, Curry Sauce & Mushy Peas. 
Sunday - Gousto meal - Mushroom Wellington With Onion Gravy And Mash.

What are you eating this week?


  1. I would never have thought to put sausage and potatoes with apple. Interesting! I hope you enjoy it.

  2. We sometimes have weeks where we don't fancy much from the Gousto menus. Your red onion and bacon tart sounds amazing and the rest of the week does too!
    Good luck to Ellie on her English GCSE, I'm sure she will smash it. xx

  3. Red onion and bacon tart sounds yummy! We're trying to eat food up before I go shopping again so for the next few days I'm just going to throw odd ingredients together and hope they taste good!


  4. That sounds like a very yummy week!

  5. Good luck to Ellie, I hope everything goes smoothly. xx
