Friday, 14 June 2013

Do You Have A Favourite Child?!

More then a third of mums secretly have a favourite child, according to a new survey by Parentdish.....

34% of mums and 28% of the parents polled admitted to favouring one child over another.....

I love both of my girls equally!

I love both of them all in different ways and for different reasons...

Ellie is so cute at times and makes me laugh all of the time and Becky is funny in her own way too, she's helpful and we have more in common....Becky is better behaved then Ellie and easier to deal with and I can have more fun playing games with Ellie but I don't favor one over the other....

They do sometimes ask who I love the most....My answer is I love you both the same but for different reasons!

1 comment :

  1. I cannot imagine myself picking a favourite between my two boys. They are both the centre of my Universe. :)
