Friday, 28 June 2013

Where's my prize!!


I enter a lot of competitions and giveaways and I'm lucky enough to win some!!

I'm not going to name the people who've peed me off this week in case I get myself in trouble!! I should but I wont!!

I entered a competition way back in March to win a load of film related goodies from a fansite....I'm not a big fan of the certain series of films but my friend is and I entered so I could win the prize for her...I'm nice like So I entered....To design a logo, comment on the site, tweet about it etc....

I won the 3rd place prize which consisted of magazines, bookmarks, body spray, posters and some other stuff!! I was emailed on the 9th of April!!

If I win a prize I expect it within a month unless they tell me it will take longer!! I am quite an understanding person and with this prize I have been so understanding....Now I'm cheesed off with them!!

I've been promised this prize was coming since the beginning of May....The woman emailed me and said she's been working crazy hours....Fair enough!

Then I got an email saying the prize was posted at the beginning of June!! Hooray!!

Surprise, surprise it never turned up!!

After emailing it turns out there is me and 2 others waiting for their goodies too.....They ran another comp shortly after so I suspect there's another 3 waiting for prizes too!
Right.....Yes parcels go missing but 3 at least and maybe 6 of them to vanish is a bit suspicious!!

Royal mail sometimes mess up but on a scale like this I don't think so....On the 19th of June I got an email saying the website is closing down...Hmmmm....The prizes have been lost in the post and unfortunately even if they get back some money for the parcels going missing they won't be able to replace most of the items as they were one of a kind.....A bit convenient if you ask me!!

I've asked them to send me some proof something was sent to my address.....There is nothing!! She emailed me yesterday and said "I don't have a proof of posting All I have is a receipt from my local PO showing I mailed out a number of packages and the total postage cost. It could be for anything so no point sending it to you."....That would do!! But no she said all emails about this are being ignored now....

It's strange though....Last weekend the people running the website have started up a whole new website....It's amazing what you can find out on

So in my mind....This is my opinion....They've ran a giveaway to get views or whatever on their website....Then had no intention of sending out the prizes....That is if the prizes ever existed!!

I'm not a greedy person but if I take the time to enter a competition and I win I expect the prize which is offered not some bull about it being lost in the post!!....

I'm angry and very annoyed!! 

I have linked up with MummyBarrow and her Ranty Friday.


  1. Name & shame!! You entered the comp in good faith.

    1. It was a fansite called RobertPattinsonUK...

  2. I agree with Ellen, name and shame them, if only to prevent others from being duped in to entering!

    1. I agree as well! Name and shame so others don't get duped too. Whoever runs these scam sites is despicable!

    2. RobertPattinsonUK I really hope nobody else falls for it!!
