Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Walking to School....


 Last week both my girls came home with a certificate saying well done for walking to school every Wednesday for the last term...The school was trying to encourage children to walk to school by putting the kids into a prize draw to win a bike if they walked....My two didn't win but we're not too bothered!

My girls walk to and home from school every day!! Once in a while we get a lift of my friend if she's not picking her eldest up from the high school....But the majority of the time we walk....

It only takes about 15 minutes! If I did drive it would probably take longer to get the kids into the car and the car out of the back yard then to walk the fifteen minutes....

We do the walk in all weathers.....I hate it during the winter but we still manage to have fun!
We always have a good chat about what the girls have done in school....what they've had for lunch and what they're planning to do when they get home...It's an important part of our day....

Did you know half of parents driving their children to UK primary schools live under a mile away, walk-to-school campaigners say. A recent survey found that one in four parents wouldn't even consider walking to school, even though most of those polled (4 of out five) had themselves walked to school as children. The numbers of children walking to school has been dropping off in recent years, says the charity and campaign group Living Streets, and could be seen as a contributing factor in the rising obesity rate amongst children.

Living Streets says that time pressures, distance and fears of dangerous roads and "stranger danger" are some of the reasons for the decline in children walking to school. The charity believes the government needs to address these fears and that walking to school should be a key element of government strategy to encourage people to be more active.

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