Thursday, 2 January 2014

A fab month for Comping!!

I really love December....Apart from Christmas a lot of companies have great Advent giveaways.....My month has been consumed with preparing for Christmas and entering these competitions....It's been rather hectic but has been brilliant as I had quite a few wonderful wins!!

On the first of December I won one of the best prizes you can win....Cold hard cash....hehehe! Very helpful especially when you win it the day after the Gas & Electric bill has came in....hehehe Thank you to Needz Classifieds on Twitter!!

I then won an amazing evening dress from Damsel in a Dress on twitter...It is stunning! I will have to find somewhere to wear it....I think I'll look a tad overdressed going to the local pubs in it...hehehe 

Next up was some Havaianas Wellies from the BzzAgent website where they invite you to try products you’ll love...You then share your opinion about them and they invite you to try even more....

 The thought did cross my mind to wear the wellies and dress at the same time as they are so similar in colour....hehehe I don't think that would work though!

The Logo Billionaire Board Game came from The Brick Castle....It's such fun! We've played it over Christmas and had such a laugh....

Then there was the bags of flour I won from Matt the Miller at Bacheldre Mill on twitter.....They are set aside for my Aunt Jean who is a bit of a baker!!

On twitter from Web Blinds I had a lovely surprise! I thought I had won one selection box.....Nope I'd won 3!! Two smaller one's and a massive one!! They've all been eaten now....hehehe

I won a couple of cute toys from ToyTown on twitter...One for Ellie and one for my friends son who recently had a birthday!

A £25 voucher I won from the Wooden Toy Shop bought Ellie two presents for Christmas....The BigJigs Slicing Stuffed Crust Pizza & Le Toy Van Vanilla Birthday Cake.....

After what seemed like months of opening the cans on the Pringles advent comp on Facebook I won a £10 iTunes voucher...I didn't have a clue what to do with it apart from give it away so my friends daughter benefited from it....

From Scholastic I won A pink tinsel tree & full set of Rainbow Magic books which Becky is halfway through reading already....

I also won some St Moriz Instant Self Tanning Mousse from Day Lewis Pharmacy, A Christmas wreath from twitter...The name of the company has totally gone from my head but it was beautiful!!.... Frosty Fancies baubles and cakes from the wonderful Mr Kipling, a Cbeebies magazine and a selection of Pom Bear snacks!!

Towards the end of the month there was still more to come....An Infant Disney Pixar Cars 2 booster seat from Precious Little One, a Cake card from the Sponge Cake Ltd which I have reviewed last week and last but not least a  bottle of Lacoste touch of pink perfume from the lovely Kate who blogs at A British Sparkle....She even gift wrapped it....So thoughtful and a lovely touch!!

So it's been a fab month!! 

Thank you to everyone who has put up with my tweeting and posts on Facebook and Thank you as well to the people who ran the brilliant giveaways!!


  1. This just goes to show it's well worth entering competitions lol. You've been incredibly lucky this last month :) Well done.

    xx Kate | A British Sparkle

    1. Thank you Kate....I have been so lucky and I'm so grateful x

  2. Oh wow congratulations! I really like comping too, but these past couple of months I have been far too busy with work and haven't entered as many as I normally do! :( I will pick it back up though, soon. Its posts like this let give me the motivation!

    1. Ohh good luck with the comping & thank you x

  3. Bloody Hell! Congratulations Kim, it's great to see that the competitions are worth entering!

  4. I didn't win much this month but yesterday won a John Lewis hamper of crimbo food so im happy. :-) well done you!!!

  5. Wow, well done on all your fab wins I've only ever won 2 things I must enter more comps!

  6. Wow! You had a bloody good month lets hope 2014 kicks off the same way!

  7. Wow, well done on all your fab wins I've only ever won 2 things I must enter more comps!

  8. Wow! Well done. I've been really lacking time to enter currently but I think you've inspired me to make time.

  9. What a winning month, well done you :)

  10. That's amazing- you must have some serious good luck! I never win anything lol x Happy New Year to you ;) xx
