Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Off with her fringe! #Funee

When this happened it was not funny.....Time has passed and now I can laugh about it....If I didn't laugh I think I'd cry....lol

Yes we had one of those moments over the weekend!

Ellie was playing upstairs....She was making the usual noise...Then she went quiet! I gave it five minutes then went up to see what she was doing!!
Ohh yes playing hairdressers!! She had got the scissors from a craft box which was in Becky's room on a shelf she should not been of able to reach!

She chopped her fringe off and a chunk at the side too.....

Look at the picture....She was so pleased with herself! She had the cheek to ask was she good at hairdressing?! Can I cut your hair!!

I was livid!!

Her reason for cutting her hair was that her hair tickles her head....She said she was going to cut off the hair at the back too! I'm so glad I went upstairs when I did!!

She suggested she could wear a hat to hide it....That would be brilliant...Wearing a hat in school...

So now we are making great use of hair slides trying to hide it as much as we can!!......I was going to buy some headbands but she thought that was fantastic...Like a treat!! Nope she isn't getting rewarded for cutting her hair!!

Monday morning for school it didn't look too bad?
I think she has started to regret cutting it now...She wasn't too happy with me messing about trying to get it right....There's bits on the side and top which are too short to go into her ponytail or the hair clip....They were just sticking up all over the place...

I think she has learnt her lesson now though.....Ellie is obsessed with being a princess.....Coming home from school last night my friend said to her that she'd have leave her hair alone, let it grow and not to cut it again or she won't be able to be a princess....
When we got in the house she started to look at pictures of the Disney princesses and said "they all have long hair, I think I need to grow mine so long so I can be a princess" She has promised not to cut her hair again....We'll see!!

Wot So Funee?


  1. Oh no!! I love Ellie's big grin in the first photo though, so proud haha. Just keep telling yourself... hair grows - eventually!

    1. She was so pleased with herself...That made me even more livid...lol x

  2. Oh gosh, my worst nightmare.. bless her x

  3. oh crikey, thankfully you caught her before she completely scalped herself! I recently had to cut a fringe in Bella's hair after she cut a chunk out of he middle of her head, luckily it looks ok. Fran has recently had her first hair cut and is obsessed with playing hairdressers. All scissors are now in a locked box!

    1. I think I should lock our scissors away...lol

  4. AWWW No way haha! Sorry made me giggle a little! My daughter did this but not that bad!! She only cut a piece of her hair in the centre and still to this day it spikes up when i put a bobble in her hair it spikes up!!
    She doesn't look bad in the school photos tho :) Cutie


    1. I can laugh about it now thankfully!
      Luckily we don't have any school photos anytime soon x

  5. Oh no, those quiet moments do scare me. We have them here too. Bless her hair. You did great at hiding it though come school morning. I can see where you can laugh and cry at the same time. Thank goodness you caught her when you did.

  6. Oh My Goodness. I have had a little giggle (sorry) but I can imagine your horror at this. I hope she's learnt her lesson #funee

    1. I think she's learnt her lesson....Only time will tell x

  7. Bless her with her mini combover! You did a good job at disguising it though - I remember doing this myself though so I guess I can't be too cross when it inevitably hits our house! xx

  8. My girls cut each others hair a few years ago....This time it was all Ellie....lol

  9. Oh NO! touch wood 6yo has never done this. She has come close, but I caught her in time. They are little minxes aren't they

  10. I'm just waiting for this to happen at Bod Towers - I think Curly Girl would set up a barber shop if given half the chance! Thanks for the smile :)

  11. Oh no....ha ha this happens so often, has happened to us with two of our kids - thankfully no where obvious but they cannot resist the temptation - silence is never a good sign! ;-)

  12. Oh dealer. At least it wasn't you mummy. I once cut my eldest fringe so short it was way too short!

  13. Oh no! It brought back memories of when I was around 10 and was playing hairdressers with my best friend. She had a beautiful straight blonde hair, and I tried to make her hair curly. But the time we saw, a massive chunk of her hair was all tangled in the brush, and there was no way of taking it out. She got quite upset, started crying and her mum had to end up cutting off the chunk of her stuck in the brush. Poor her! She still reminds me of it, I didn't mean to ruin her hair, just wanted my friend to have curly hair like me! lol x

  14. Oh no - nightmare! I'm sure I wouldn't have been at all amused at the time either! At least she seems to have 'learned her lesson. Funny!

  15. Oh dear. My youngest nearly did this at school once but his teacher screamed and scared the life out of him before he could cut. Luckily he can laugh about it now but I'm glad she scared him or else he would've had a patch for ages!

    Hope her hair grows back quickly. xx

    Morgan x

  16. Oh my God! My Emily did this years ago with nail scissors! She was in my room and I was in the bathroom. I thought she was being quiet, and I looked at her, didn't notice immediately, but she was acting awkwars. When I asked her what she was up to, she told me she had cut her hair...and had hidden the hair under my bed! It felt like it took AGES to grow back, and I felt like the worst mother ever.

    However, none of those things were true, and all was cool.

    You have to laugh don't you love xxx :)
