Monday, 13 January 2014

Our Weekly Meal Plan!! - #mealplanningmonday

Ahh it feels so good to be back into a routine!!
The have been back at school since Wednesday and order is restored! Last weeks meal plan went fine! We never got round to baking....Had a Weekend Box to review so that kept us busy....Plus we had a house guest for the weekend.... Ellie brought home 'Fluffy' the class pet! Just a stuffed toy who spends each weekend with a child and then they have to write in his diary for their homework...I didn't fancy getting Fluffy covered in cake mix and icing! lol

This week on the menu we have...

Monday - Cottage Pie....
Tuesday - Creamy bacon and mushroom Chicken...
Wednesday - Breakfast for tea - Sausages, eggs, bacon, mushrooms, tomatoes, beans, hash browns and toast...
Thursday - Spaghetti Bolognese....
Friday - Jacket Potatoes with leftover Bolognese on....
Saturday - Pork Stir Fry....
Sunday - Roast chicken, mash, swede, parsnips, stuffing, peas, carrots, yorkshire puddings and loads of gravy....
As always I've joined in with the wonderful Mrs M's #mealplanningmonday linky..


  1. Sounds like a delicious week! Love the sound of the creamy chicken x

  2. We've got a weekend box coming this week - looking forward to it
    Brinner is also on our list except am craving Black Pudding...

    1. We loved the Weekend Box!! Loads of fun!! Got the review later in the week!
      Ohh totally forgot about black pudding! I have time to get it...hehehe x

  3. Oh I really need to make up a weekly meal plan before I do our weekly food shop, it'd be so helpful. I love the sound of your Friday dinner, I love jacket potatoes with a topping. Thanks for linking up to my blog hop. I'm now following your lovely blog via GFC :)

    Fiona @

    1. Since I have started meal planning I have noticed our food shopping bill go down too....So helpful and saves money ;)

  4. I like the idea of breakfast for tea and cottage pie is always scrummy! :)

  5. Oooh breakfast for tea, yummy! I am so pleased to be back into a normal routine too! x

  6. I got my weekend box yesterday tho not really had time to look at it properly.
    I never plan my meals. Kids always ask what's for tea and my reply "I don't know yet" maybe I need be more organised

  7. Loving the Breakfast for tea :) yum! My little Monkey has a a class toy stay over every now and again, Its not so clever though when he wants to take it in the shower or drag it threw mud on his mini quad lol. x

  8. I love the left over bolognese on baked potato the next day too. Although there is very little in the way of leftovers in this house with a teen and a tween xx
