Friday, 10 January 2014

I have never....

I replied to someone on Twitter ages and ages ago.....They said something like 'I have never had a Nando's or Dominos's Pizza am I strange?.....I replied neither have I that must make me strange too....

That got me thinking about things I've never done which everyone seems to have done....

As well as never having Nando's and Domino's.....I've never had a Subway, been to Starbucks, had a Big Mac or  been to Costa!

I have never been abroad, flown on a plan or even had a passport....

I have never had a spray tan, put fake eye lashes on, had a professional manicure or had my eyebrows waxed....

I have never been to London....Or anywhere down south come to think of it....

I have never watched watched a Pirates of the Caribbean without falling asleep or getting really bored and turning it over....

I have never voted....

I have never boiled an egg to perfection...

I have never played on an X-Box at all....

I have never been to a Gym or done any Yoga...

I have never eaten anything Quorn....

I have never understood the film The Matrix....

I have never tried Sushi....

I have never seen Star Wars or any of the Twilight films....

Does that make me


  1. I love reading your posts Kim, they always bring a big smile to my face. You're not strange, because you're perfectly happy. Life's too short to be worried about the things you haven't done #PoCoLo

    1. Aww this comment has brought a huge smile to my face! Thank you!! xxx

  2. Yes. Yes it does ;)

  3. I've never had fake eyelashes or tried sushi. Done the rest, though! Nice idea for a post x

    1. Just the thought of something on my eyes makes me cringe!!
      Thank you x

  4. Love sushi...and have never had false eyelashes... and do not intend to ;-)

  5. Fake eyelashes - can't see me ever trying them, contact lenses are bad enough!

  6. I've never had a spray tan. I reckon I'd like like Ross from friends if I attempted it ("you're a 4??!") :)

  7. Just saw Mary's comment - can't be doing with fake eyelashes they are impossible to put on! If you like coffee, do definitely try Costa they make the best Americano! Lovely idea for a post :)

  8. Good post :) Funnily enough I just linked an old post of mine on Twitter on a similar subject called 'Are You Missing Out?' see how many you tick off on that list! :)

    I didn't use Starbucks or Costa until I was dairy intolerant, most places still don't do frothy coffee with soya milk. Don't do any of that beauty stuff either, life's too short to waste money on that in my opinion!

  9. There are loads of these that I have never done! But there is plenty of time to do all of these things Kim. if only once, just to see what they're like ! xxx
