Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Domino's Pizza - Review!

For years and years I've heard people raving about how good Domino's Pizza is.....I didn't care! We didn't have one near us....I put them in the same box as Starbucks, Nandos & Costa Coffee....Over rated & over priced....They were out of sight out of mind....

I didn't believe the hype then one opened near us.....When I got a menu through the door earlier this week I decided we needed to try them....Hey I could even write a blog post about it....lol

When I looked through the menu and saw a deal that appealed....Feed 6 for £4 each (Stu and I are big eaters) £23.99 for two large pizzas, A garlic pizza bread, Potato wedges and a bottle of pop.....

I worked it out....At our local independent pizza shop it is £9.50 for a pizza the same size....£3 for wedges....£4 for Garlic bread and about £3 for the pop.....I'll do the sums! It comes to £29 for the same deal!!

So on Saturday night we decided to order.....As well as the "Meal Deal" I ordered extra wedges as I wasn't sure of the size of the portions...I would rather have too much than not enough, dips and a portion of the chocolate twisted dough balls.....All in all it came to £33.39 which wasn't too bad....We usually spend that much or more on a take away.....That's the reason we don't have them too often!

Ordering was a simple process and when I had I thought it was so cool that it tracked my order...It's the little things and yes I announced to the house whenever it changed to the next stage....

I have used online delivery places before like Just Eat & Takeaway dot com and haven't had the best of luck with them.....Something always went wrong....Either they didn't deliver or the order was wrong!! This did not happen in this instance though!! Everything was perfect!!

The delivery driver was amazing! So polite.....Whenever we get takeaway the delivery person practically throws the food at us....The lovely man went through everything we ordered, said if there is any problems call the store and even wished me a good evening.....What a pleasant change!

We couldn't get the food into the house quick enough.....It smelt and looked fantastic!! Not the best pictures.....I was too keen to eat it....

We tucked in.....It was good!

It was honestly the best pizza I have tasted in years!! I am no pizza expert though.....I was allergic to cheese between the ages of nine and thirty one.....lol but it was amazing!! I am used to greasy pizza, this wasn't! The toppings were delicious and they didn't go over the top with the cheese....The wedges were crispy but fluffy on the inside.....The only minor issue I had was I expected the garlic bread to be bigger but that was just personal expectation.....

Oh and the chocolate twisted dough balls!! WOW!! I wish I had ordered more.....

I will be using Domino Pizza again....In fact I will be using only them from now on.....It was hassle free....A fantastic service....Cheaper than local pizza shops....Delicious and we even had a few slices of pizza for the next day!! Bonus!!

Believe the hype! Domino's Pizza is good!!



  1. Domino's is actually amaze balls, your pictures are making me drool, pizza for breakfast maybe?!

  2. Oh my goodness I love Domino's, I really fancy one after reading this post! I completely agree that the pizzas taste great and the pizza tracker is brilliant - the kids love shouting out the updates as they happen :D #TriedandTestedTuesday

  3. We had a Dominos on Sunday! We don't have takeaway often but they have a great range of crusts & toppings and the service is always brilliant

  4. We've just had a Domino's open near us but we've yet to try it. Like you I do tend to think they're very expensive but as your review proves you get what you pay for.
    Thanks for sharing your review on #TriedTested this week x

  5. Yum, yum, yum we love a Domino's in this house :-D I'm now wanting pizza haha.

    Helen - #triedtested

  6. I do like a good pizza-we're lucky and have Domino's and Papa John's close by and both are delicious! I alternate between the two :)

  7. I love a Dominos pizza - especially their garlic pizza bread and the garlic sauce for dipping the crusts. Yummy! :-)

  8. Yumyumyum, Oh I really need to order dominos but my husband doesn't like pizza (I mean how can you not like pizza!?!?!) so I don't get dominos nearly enough!!

  9. I love Dominos - you're making me want one now, I haven't had a pizza for ages.

  10. Oooh we are pizza lovers in this house. Little Bean LOVES anything bread related so pizza is always a winner for her. I too have never tried Domino Pizzas but I think we are going to give it a go. My mouth is watering just thinking about it . . .

  11. OK, I've already eaten my tea but now I need a pizza. I totally blame you for my now feeling hungry again!

  12. I wish we had a Dominos close by, I love it but have only ever had it once!

  13. I love Domino's. We don't order takeaways to often, but we love a good Domino's. They forever have offers on like 40% off f you spend £30 and so on. You end up with great value for money x

    Kate | A British Sparkle

  14. I'm not the biggest fan of Domino's! I'll eat it, and the garlic cheese dough ball twisty things taste pretty good cold the next day, but I prefer Pizza Hut and would order that everyday if it wasn't so expensive and bad for you!

  15. It's 5.30am and you have made me fancy pizza ha ha. I always get excited on line when it says it is in the oven :) I will be campaigning to hubster for breakfast, ooh I mean tea :) x

  16. Whats also great about dominoes they open from like 10am - late so you can order mornings :) used them few times infact had takeaway yesterday my favorite pizza is meteor one love cumberland sausage and meatballs.
    and driver was in some customized car sound from exhaust was like boom boom speedy as.

  17. mmm we LOVE a good Dominos too and the deals they do are pretty good! My boys get so excited when we tell them we're having take out pizza! #TriedTested

  18. I do really enjoy a Domino's but I would rather a pizza from our local independent one, in my opinion they make the best pizzas ever!! :) xx

  19. Whoo I love pizza :) looks yummy ..
