Friday, 27 March 2015


This week my Word of the Week is....

 We have had quite a busy week....Decorating Easter eggs....Becky has a business week at school where she was off timetable for 2 days and mixed with the Year 8 & 9's....She also went to another school disco where she had lots of fun...

Before the holidays officially start I have the Easter fair at the school to help with....The joys of being on the PTA....It has taken a lot of planning but it seems like it's going to go well...I was amazed at the amount of things people donated for the tombola and the raffles....Lots of money will be raised I hope!!

Becky has a little homework project to do over the holidays....She has to read a book....Any book as long as it's over 100 pages. Write a review of each chapter, make a poster advertising it and a few other things....Ellie is trying to convince her to write about Charlotte's Web which she has been reading at but Becky wanted to do a Harry Potter book but then realised how much work would be involved....I think if she doesn't hurry up and decide on a book I will choose for her....hehehe

Tomorrow we are off to Newcastle Film and Comic Con which we are all so excited about....There's stars from TV, Film and Comics....Lots of geeky Sci-Fi stuff and I know I'm going to take hundreds of photos! I'm determined to get one or two of Kit the car off Knight Rider and the DeLorean off Back to the future....I will be sneaking off to hear a couple of Wrestlers do a talk and I think Stu will be wanting to see the Game of Thrones talk....Eek! So excited!! I have been planning everything....The time we'll leave, what bus we'll get, where' we'll eat....Everything! So there will no doubt be some irate tweets from me on Saturday when something doesn't go to

I have planned a few days out with the kids during the holidays....I'm hoping for some nice weather but have some things planned to do in the house too in case it isn't too good.....Stu is off work next week so it should be fun....I know the kids will enjoy having him home everyday.

The Reading Residence


  1. Ohh you have been busy!! Sounds like you've got some fun things coming up, I reckon Comic Con will be alot of fun!

    Helen - WotW

  2. Lots of planning all round for you guys! Sounds like nice planning, though. Hope you have fun at the film and comic con, sounds great x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  3. Tomorrow sounds lots of fun - enjoy - and I hope you're planning on taking lots of pics! #wotw

  4. Hi Kim, you sound as if you are well prepared for the up coming holidays, hopefully you have some good weather days.! The comic Com sounds fun, I'm sure that's something my son would enjoy....I'm sure it will all go to plan (fingers crossed!).

    I love Charlottes Web, it's the only book I know where there is a lovable spider. Ellie has good taste!


    1. Thank you! The weather is good at the moment....Hope it stays like this!

  5. Hope you manage to raise lots at the Easter fair.
    And have an awesome time tomorrow, sounds like a good day out!. :) x

    1. We did so well....Over £200 on the tombola alone!
      Thank you!

  6. Aww i have comicon envy! I love comicon. You week is really busy too! #wotw

    1. It was amazing! We will be going back next year!! Thank you!

  7. Wow you have been busy! I hope you had a great time at Comicon x #WotW
