Monday, 16 March 2015

Our Weekly Meal Plan!! - #mealplanningmonday

Last weeks meal plan went ok...Everything I planned was eaten by at least the kids.....I missed the Chicken & Bacon Kiev's due to a tummy bug but the kids wolfed them down....
This week on the meal plan we have:

Monday - Pork and bean pot with mash....
Tuesday - Hot chicken and stuffing sandwiches....
Wednesday - Tomato risotto....
Thursday - Spam hash....
Friday - Tuna pasta bake....
Saturday - Burgers in buns....
Sunday - Roast chicken, mash & veg!

As always I've joined in with the wonderful Mrs M's #mealplanningmonday linky....


  1. Omg hot chicken and stuffing sandwiches, i'm on my way!!

  2. Thank you for the reminder - we have a slot booked but nothing planned. Off to look at whether my lot would eat the tomato risotto

  3. Yum your week looks so good!

  4. Everything sounds delicious, especially the Tomato Risotto. I will need to try that :)

  5. wish i am so organise like you! what a lovely meal plan!
