Friday, 6 March 2015


This week my word of the week is.....

We had a phone call yesterday from the orthodontist saying they have an appointment to finally see about Becky getting her Braces....We had an appointment a couple of years ago but they sent us away to wait for her last baby tooth to come out......It has and we've been waiting for exactly year yesterday for an appointment.....We have one! Hooray! It isn't until next month so we have a little more waiting to do but we're getting there....

After speaking to Ellie's teacher yesterday I will be waiting for a phone call from her....Ellie has gone back to being a terror at school again....Last year she was naughty playing with water....This time she is just refusing to do work....She will only work when the teacher is standing over her which just isn't fair on the rest of her class who need the help too....

She came home Wednesday with extra work to do as she hadn't done enough in class....It took me over an hour and a half to get her to write 15 words!! She is so stubborn.....If she doesn't want to do something she won't do it willingly and yesterday at school she had written two lines in about an hour and just point blank refused to work....I was livid!! The teacher can't physically make her write so they are suggesting maybe an after school detention may work to give her a shock and let her catch up on what she hasn't done in class....Her teacher asked if the same happens today could she give me a ring to talk about a detention.... I am fine with that so I'm waiting for the phone call....I'm hoping I don't get it though. I really hope she has done her work at school....

All week I have been waiting and looking forward to the weekend....My friends and I have been going to see a Bon Jovi tribute act twice a year for the last few years....This time last year was the last time we saw them and thought it was the last time ever as the place the gig at changed hands but they've found a new place to play!.....

The band look nothing like Bon Jovi but do sound like them and they're a cracking group of fellas....It's an amazing night, with lots of laughs and drinking which usually ends with my friends and I on stage....Oops! I'm not even sorry....

The Reading Residence


  1. Waiting sucks and I'm the most impatient person ever so waiting for something exciting is the worst thing ever. Hope you have a great weekend :-)

    Helen - #wordoftheweek

  2. I do hope you don't get that phone call today! And I hope you can get to the bottom of it with Ellie. Have a fabulous weekend, looks like it'll be fun! Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

    1. I did! :( She didn't want to do her school work again so they kept her back in detention for half an hour.....We've had words and I'm hoping now this is the end of it.

  3. Oh I really don't like waiting, and I really hope you don't have a phone call today!
    Glad Becky has got an appointment even if you have a bit more waiting to do!

    1. I did :( She had her detention....
      The appointment has been a long time coming....
      Thank you x

  4. Oh gosh waiting is never fun...So glad you finally managed to get an appointment and that the waiting will soon hopefully be over! Fingers crossed Ellie's teacher doesn't call and that she's done her work today.xx

    1. She called and Ellie had her detention....
      Thank you x

  5. Hope you didn't get the phone call!
    Waiting is never fun but I'm sure the gig will be worth the wait :)

    1. I did....But she's done her detention and I hope this is the end of it!
      I'm sure it will be....Seems so long since I've had a good night out :)
      Thank you x

  6. Glad to hear You are managing to get somewhere with Becky's braces,
    and I Hope Ellie has had a better day at school.
    Have a great weekend and Rock that stage! Haha ;) XX

    1. Thank you!
      Becky can't wait to get them....hehehe
      Ellie didn't have a good day but I hope today is the end of it.
      I'm sure we will rock the x

  7. Hope Becky's braces will be sorted soon. I remember really wanting mine, but then after 4 years, I was sick of the metal things on my teeth! I remember Ellie's antics in the toilets... was it last year? Gosh, time flies!

    1. I have a feeling Becky will be like that too...Wanting them but soon getting sick of them.
      Yes it was June last year.....Went back and checked on the post I She seems to go through naughty phases every 8 months or so....Time flies when you're having fun x

  8. Have a fab Bon Jovi night - and enjoy dancing on the stage, but make sure you wait for the appropriate moment ;) x #wotw

  9. I hate waiting, I am not the most patient. I hope Ellie has a better week at school and Becky's appointment goes well. Have a lovely weekend xx #WotW

  10. Sounds like a tough week lovely, but hopefully the weekend will bring a sense of calm. I think the kids are all just passed it with school and on countdown to Easter... Only three more weeks xx

  11. I hate waiting for anything, Im so impatient

  12. Waiting isn't good, I hope it didn't make the week go too slowly for you. Sorry to hear about Ellie and school, I hope you didn't get a phone call. Does the teacher have any idea's why she is playing up? I hope you have fun at the Bon Jovi tribute act x

  13. I hope your waiting is over, Kelsey had braces and her teeth are beautiful now so that's well worth doing.

    Sounds like a wonderful end to the evening getting up on stage ;)

    visiting from #wotw

  14. Awww I am so glad that you were able to enjoy a bit of your week by attending a bon jovi like concert! Live music is always nice to attend and never fails to lift ones spirit =) #wotw

  15. It must be tough and so frustrating with your daughter not wanting to work, I hope she picks up soon. I hope you had fun at the Bon Jovi concert x

  16. Here's hoping your daughter's getting some work done and not getting into any more trouble at school. Happy to hear you're having a night out with friends - hope it's fabulous x

  17. What a great word of the week. I don't particularly like waiting I can become quite impatient. I find it so frustrating! Would be so much easier to have things done in our time.
    Sorry to hear your daughter is being stubborn at school and at home with writing. I've recently done a couple of posts on this topic as I'm having the same issue!! Hope the night out is full of fun!
