Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Mothers Day Gift Ideas....

I won't be buying my mother a card or present for Mothers Day.....She doesn't deserve one! I blogged a bit about it last year....Stu's mam is no longer with us so Mothering Sunday is all about me! Hooray.

I have been looking around at mothers day gifts and lots of things have caught my eye. Obviously I will be happy with just a card and a cuddle off my two girls but I can dream.

 Personalised Family Names Necklace - £59.99 - Not On The High Street
Limited Edition Frosted Cranberry Luxury Gown Set  - £22.50 - Debenhams 
Rose in Gift Bag - £23.00 - Asda Gifts 
Milk Chocolate Shoe - £7.99 - Buy a Gift

  Dear Mum - From You to Me Book - £11.95 - Prezzybox
Chocolate Scented Candle Set - £4.99 - Find me a Gift 
Beach Hut Planter Gift Set - £14.99 - IWOOT

 Vintage Crafts Deluxe Sewing Set - £14.95 - Dot Com Gift Shop
Mother's Day Tulip Gift Bag  - £25.00 - M&S 
Mother's Day Glass Photo Frame - £1.00 - Poundland
Boofle Boxed Mummy Pen - £3.50 - Clinton Cards

Pamper Gift Set - £1.99 - Card Factory
Wine Bottle Glass - £12.99 - Getting Personal 
Portobello Rose snack boxes - £8.00 - Paperchase 
Chococo Flowerpot with Chocolate Shards  - £12.99 - Lakeland

And if you really want to splash the cash there is always Harrods.....They have their Ultimate Mother's Day Hamper which includes champagne, fine wines, iced biscuits, coffee, chocolates and much more only £250. lol I want!!

 What do you have planned for Mothers Day?


  1. Ooh that hamper looks fab - I would love it too!

  2. How about two wine bottle glasses? No, not one for each hand (what sort of a Wren do you think I am?!) one for white and one for red of course! :)
    Wren x

  3. I love the personalized family necklace, I have been hinting for one for ages!

  4. Great selection of gifts here at reasonable prices, on Mothers Day I shall probably take my mum out shopping, she loves Lakeland so I'll no doubt buy her something from there.
