Thursday, 31 December 2015

Goodbye 2015.....

2015 hasn't been a bad year....Nothing eventful has happened which is a good thing....We have just plodded along with life quite happily...


This was the first year I took part in Project 365. A photo every day for a year and later today I have the final post of the year going up on my blog....I managed 364 photos. I missed one due to being ill but I think it was pretty good going for my first attempt.....I will be starting it all over again and seeing if I can actually get a photo every day! 

The funniest thing to happen in January was that I won a random prize from a furniture company. I expected it to be to a coffee or side table....Maybe a mirror or some photo frames....No it was a bar!! It just wasn't my thing and found a new home....


Stu and I had a lovely Valentines meal and Becky spent the day with her boyfriend......They've been boyfriend and girlfriend for well over a year now.....It's so cute and he is a lovely boy....It snowed but it didn't last long and I had a bit of a scare with my bank account....My details were stolen and money was taken. I did get it back and it turns out it was Big Fish Games who messed up....


We tried Domino's pizza for the first ever time and since then we have had it at least once a month....Oops! It was even our food of choice for Christmas eve.....The highlight of our month was going to Newcastle Film and Comic Con....It was such a fantastic day! We all had a great time and Stu was in his element!


We had the Easter holidays and ate a lot of Easter eggs....We had a trip to the cinema and saw Cinderella....We also saw Mr Tumble in concert. Ellie was amazed. She does love Mr Tumble....The girls convinced me to play Minecraft which I have really got into....Creepers still scare me though!


Becky hit that hormonal tween stage.....We had lots of arguments, stamping of feet and slamming doors. It hasn't been full dealing with tween/teen hormones but we are getting through it and in a few years will have it all to go through again with Ellie...We did have a lot of sunshine though. The girls had some awesome water fights....


Ellie went swimming with the school for the first time and drowned twice....She over exaggerates. lol She had a fantastic couple of weeks with swimming every day....I was glad at the end of it....It is no fun having to wash and dry so many towels.....Summer was here and the girls played outside a lot....We had a great parents evening for Becky! She did us proud and is doing so well at school....


My girls finished year 7 & year 3 and the summer holidays began....It was time to relax a bit! We just had a lot of PJ and lazy days...We were so glad to see the end of term...We were ready for the break!


Stu tuned 40 something and Ellie turned 8 and had the best birthday ever! We enjoyed the summer holidays! We played a lot of Minecraft and The Sims, watched so many films, had late nights and often slept until gone 10am, did crafts, played with Lego, baked and went to the park a few times. Holidays are all about relaxing and we did just that!


The girls went back to school.....Becky became a teenager and had a great birthday....After many, many years Becky's real dad agreed to pay child maintenance for her which was a big deal for us.....Becky finally got her braces after waiting for a couple of years....They took some getting used to but she is fine with them now and they are working wonders....


We had half term, Halloween, Becky and I saw One Direction in concert and my girls had a check up on their hearts which went so well!....We have a new specialist to see but we're fine with that...He seems like a nice enough guy.


It was such an exciting month for me.....I got on with the Christmas shopping and it was my birthday and my blogs 3rd birthday!


Our Elf on the Shelf came to visit and my family did too....We had a lovely Christmas.  It was so relaxed and fun....

We had a fantastic year....Bring on 2016!


  1. You've done such a lot! Love these look backs, make me smile even when it's not about my life! Hormones starting to build here too and braces may be on the cards in 2016... oh joy! Happy New Year to you all x

    1. Aww! Thank you! Eek! Good luck with 2016! Hormones and braces are not much fun to start with x

  2. What a lovely year you have had and lots of happy memories to look back on. Hope that 2016 will be a great year for you all too :-)

    1. Thank you Louise! Wishing you all the best for 2016 x

  3. Oh what a fab year and i love all the pictures. Photos tell an amazing story at times. I love that we ave similarities and we both write about having fun with our families. :) Happy New Year Angela

    1. Thank you Angela....I hope you have a wonderful 2016 x
