Friday, 18 December 2015

We're ready for Christmas! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

 I am ready for Christmas!! I am ready for a rest from the school run and I am ready to have some family time....

The food is ordered from Tesco....The freezer is already half full.....All the presents are wrapped finally and I have done all I can at the moment to prepare....I feel in control and ready for once....

The kids broke up from school yesterday and are very excited for Christmas....They are also ready for a few lie in's....This last week we have really struggled to get up on a morning with it being so dark.....Ellie has said she's staying in bed until 9am every morning apart from Christmas day (obviously)....Then she's going to get up at 5am....I really hope not. lol

My dad is coming for a visit on Monday.....I speak to him or his girlfriend on the phone all the time but it's been a while since we saw each other in person.....He works a lot (too much for his age) & lives quite a way away so it makes it hard to see him as much as I want....He's bringing my Aunty Jean up with him too so it will be lovely....The girls are beyond excited....Each year Ellie makes a Christmas card at school and it is always for Stu & I....Not this time, it's for her Grandad....hehehe

I have a night out planned next week....A few of my friends and I are going out for a meal....I'm ready for a night out but must find something to wear....I have plenty of time yet so I am not worried....

There will be no word of the week next week from me as it will be Christmas day! #Excited So to you all who visit through the linky I hope you have the best Christmas and get everything you wish for....
The Reading Residence


  1. Great word! I think we're all set, too, just waiting for my girl to finish school today - hooray! I do like the sound of 9am lie ins, too, though I'd happily take 7am to be honest! I hope you all have an absolutely fabulous Christmas x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  2. It's a fabulous word of the week - well done you for being so organised. Wishing you a fabulous Christmas x

  3. Ah so lovely to feel ready for Christmas and be starting the final countdown to the big day. I bet your girls are so excited and how lovely to have a visit from your dad to look forward to as well. Wishing you all a very merry Christmas x

  4. Ohh you sound so excited and that makes me excited, isn't Christmas with kids ace:) I hope you have a great time, although I hope it's a bit later than 5am, ha! #WotW

  5. We are too! I hope you have an awesome time with your Dad and your Auntie coming to visit, I bet the girls will love that.
    Merry Christmas to you all x

  6. You do sound ready, wish I was half as ready as you were! Have a great time and enjoy it all x #wotw

  7. We are ready too. In fact Sam was ready about 2 weeks ago hehe. Merry Christmas hun xx

  8. Hoorah for lie ins, and family time I am loving it already. What an amazing time of year and it feels so needed doesn't it? Have a wonderful Christmas and a happy new yea kim and I will see you next year x

  9. Hi Kim, it's a wonderful feeling when you feel ready. I'm almost there just got to finish the last of the wrapping tomorrow and do a last shop on Wednesday (no online shopping here!).

    How wonderful that your children get to see their Granddad and his wife this Christmas. And enjoy your night out (sounds like an excuse for a new outfit!).

    Our schools don't close until the 23rd, so no lie in until the 24th for us, but the won't go back until the 8th of January, so it's not so bad.

    Have a wonderful Christmas with your family.


  10. Brilliant word, his organised are you! Hope you have a lovely time during this week and a fantastic Christmas X #wotw
