Wednesday, 30 December 2015

My Top 10 Blogs Of 2015...

The lovely Zena over at Zena's Suitcase has came up with her Top 10 list of blogs and is inviting other bloggers to do the same....I read a lot of blogs and there are quite a few I visit when there is a new post to read....

In no particular order....

Brummy Mummy of 2 - I love this lady.....Her posts are so funny and her videos over on YouTube hilarious! i really enjoyed her Vlogmas videos.....Emma is so honest and shares the good and the bad of parenting.....Her Wicked Wednesdays linky is proof of that.....

Little Hearts Big Love - The lovely Louise writes about family life with her two beautiful girls....She also does a lot to raise awareness about heart problems and defects....She is such a kind and caring lady and reading her blog always makes me feel warm inside....

Inside Martyn's Thoughts - I have so much respect for this man....He writes about his life as a single dad who home schools and a whole lot more....His boys are just adorable and he is such a lovely chap...Martyn posts some really thought provoking posts....

Lisas-Life - I don't know how I stumbled across Lisas Life but I read it regularly....It is what it says. All about Lisa's life and her beautiful dog Stella! I do love her Woof Wednesday posts...I don't have a dog or have much interest in them but I love the posts about Stella....

Ojo's World -  Ahh! Jo is such a lovely lady....She is so down to earth and just a caring person blogging about her and her boys....She recently did a month of honesty about her diet and mental health and I enjoyed reading the series...She was so honest and is a real inspiration....

Big Fashionista - Kelly says it just like it is and isn't afraid to share her opinion....Her posts are so honest and really get you thinking....She also has amazing hair!

Confessions of a Nagging Mother - Gemma's blog is pretty new to me.....I have only been reading a few months....She writes a lot of Disney related posts which I am a huge fan of and a lot of other things too....

The Reading Residence - Jocelyn the host of Word of the Week which I link up to every week but I visit during the week too.... She blogs about family life and is obsessed with paper and stationary (I'm sure she won't mind me saying that....Her love of it is infectious)

North East Family Fun - Samantha is a fellow Northumbrian and shares some fantastic posts about days out and places to visit around the North East....Whenever we visit somewhere I check her blog first to see if she has visited and what she thought....

Morgan's Milieu - Morgan is just lovely....She blogs about family life....I like reading her posts. Some funny, some thought provoking and all just wonderful to read!

Please don't be offended if I haven't mentioned you....I do read a lot of blogs and enjoy all of those that I do read....I could have easily listed 50 blogs that I love....I didn't have time for that.....hehehe


  1. A fabulous top 10 list Kim, and thank you so much for including my blog and for your lovely words about it - I'm quite honoured to be amongst such wonderful company! There's a couple on your list I haven't encountered yet - will have to rectify that in 2016. Hope you and your family have had a lovely Christmas and wishing you all the very best for 2016 x

    1. You are most welcome! I really do love your blog!
      All the best for 2016 x

  2. Ah, thanks for the mention, and no, I don't mind you saying that at all! I'm in wonderful company, too, so many blogs that I love here. Thank you :) x

  3. There's a few I've not heard of so will have a nosey. I'm popping over to say a huge THANKS as you were one of my top commenters in 2015. You are a commenting ninja! Thank you xxx

    1. You are most welcome! I love your blog too! Next year I'll do a top 20 and you'll be on it x
