Saturday, 26 December 2015

Goodbye to our Elf On The Shelf....

Throughout December we had the Elf on the shelf staying with us.....You can see what she got up to over the first few days here....

The girls carried on getting up early to see where the elf was....hehehe There was a few mornings where our elf took a bit of finding but that made it even more fun....

 Again our elf has been more about playing hide and seek rather than being naughty!

On Christmas eve she was very kind and left the girls a box of treats....Their Christmas PJ's, a bath set, chocolates and some hot chocolate....

The girls had to work to find it though.....I set up a little treasure hunt....When the girls woke up Stu & I sent them downstairs and they went hunting....We were laid in bed laughing at their screeches and running about....hehehe We had hidden the prize box in our bedroom....They had the best time and were very happy with their reward....

I thought this might have been the last year we had the elf to stay through December with my girls getting older but Ellie is still believing so she will be back next year to spread some festive cheer....I will have to come up with some new ideas though!

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