Friday, 16 September 2016

A Humdrum Week. #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

Humdrum is perfect for describing how I feel about this week.....

This week would have been fine normally but after the excitement of the past few weeks with Stu, Ellie and Becky having their birthdays, the end of the summer holidays and then the excitement of starting school it's left us feeling a bit deflated and meh!

This was the first full week back at school and we have been getting back into the swing of things.....It's felt like Groundhog day....Every day has been the same but we have needed this week to get back into our routine....Thankfully we are back into it now and hopefully next week will be better....

It all hasn't been bad....There has been a few nice moments....

Becky had a wonderful birthday weekend....We didn't really do much but according to her it was the best birthday ever! Her new scooter is fantastic. She's getting home from school a whole 15 minutes earlier than when she did with her old one.

The landlord sent a man to do a repair and he ended up doing quite a few which were needed....The type of repairs which weren't urgent but needed doing. Like leaky taps and the extractor fan not working in the bathroom....He was such a lovely chap. He did find that we don't actually have a stopcock for the water in our house....There is one in the back street but that turns off other peoples water too. Getting one in our house is top of the list of jobs to do soon...

My gas and electric bill arrived in my emails earlier on in the week....It's not usually something to get excited about but British gas also sent and email about rewarding me for being a customer....A free 30x20cm canvas from Photobox. Postage included too.....So that should be with us soon. It will be something to remind us of the fantastic summer we had....

We were supposed to have a meet the teacher thing at Ellie's school yesterday....I had a few issues to raise but it turns out her teacher is in hospital and has gone on long term sick....I hope she makes a speedy recovery but I also hope Ellie isn't stuck with having a mix of substitute teachers until the teacher comes back....

I think I have moaned on enough....I really didn't want to but some weeks are like this. I can't always just share the good and the great things which happen in our lives...


  1. Ah its great to get back into a routine but takes a bit to settle in first doesn't it? And wow that sounds like some scooter x

    1. It does...This week seems better already. Phew!

  2. I hate this time of year, getting back to routine and school after a fun summer holiday break. Just a few more weeks and we will have the big build up to Christmas to keep us's only 100 days away you know!

    1. I didn't know until I read this...Eek! I can't wait for Christmas...
      Thank you!

  3. I like to read about the bad weeks as well as the good that's real life after all, I hope next week is a little more exciting for you all. #WotW

    1. It has been the best week so far and we're only a few hours into it. lol
      Thank you!

  4. Oh, it's not moaning, it's just one of those weeks, isn't it? We all have them! Hope next week is brighter x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

    1. It really was one of those weeks...This week is better already. Thank you!

  5. Hi Kim, I love that word... Humdrum... Very descriptive. One of my favourite things about blogging is that it's real. It's about life, people and places, which can sometimes be positive, but can also be negative. I don't think your post was at all moany.

    It's fab that the repairman fixed more than you expected. And as for Ellie's teacher? I hope she gets well and that the replacement is a constant until she returns.


  6. My son's teacher is on a retreat leaving my son's class with a new teacher. My son is not taking it well and I have to literally drag hin out of the house. I am wishing too that Ellie's teacher (& my son's) will be back to school next week. #wotw

    1. Oh no! I hope things settle down soon. I hope all the teachers are back where they're supposed to be soon too x

  7. I think it is tiring and we all feel lime that. It is hard to adjust when so much excitement previously. But wow on the canvas that is ace X #wotw

    1. It is such a big change getting back into a routine.
      I am really looking forward to getting my canvas. Thank you!

  8. Nice to have all those jobs done. Send him to me next. I have a list. How fab and unexpected to receive the canvas. It is a nice way to hang on to the holidays a bit longer. Taking me a while to get back into the swing of the new term. Ah well, it won't be long to half term #wotw

    1. hehehe. They were silly little jobs that weren't desperate but were there...It is fantastic having everything looking good and working.
      Yes, not long until half term..Only about a month. hehehe

  9. Humdrum is a good description of a week where you've had to come down to earth again after all the excitement of the last few weeks. Glad that some of the repair jobs have been done and love that you got a canvas from British Gas - what a lovely surprise that must have been :-) #WotW

    1. It did feel like we've come back to earth with a big thud....
      It was a lovely surprise from British Gas. I've never had anything from them before :D
