Monday, 12 September 2016

Our Weekly Meal Plan!! - #mealplanningmonday

Last weeks meal plan went great considering we were just getting back into the school routine....I think we ate just about everything....This week is the first full week for the girls back at school and Stu is returning to work after his two weeks holiday. 

This week on the menu we have:

Monday - Battered sausages, crispy potato slices and curry sauce....
Wednesday - Chicken nuggets, chips and beans....
Friday - Pizza....
Saturday - Hot dogs in buns....
Sunday - Roast chicken dinner....

What are you eating this week?


  1. Ooh, I do love hot dogs in buns! With onion? I actually added a meal plan this week, I didn't realise there wasn't a linky anymore haha x

    1. Of course with onions...hehehe
      Ahh! I read and commented on your meal plan. I actually smiled when I saw it :D x

  2. Sounds so yummy and a menu Sylvia would love.

  3. Love your menu! I can definitely do with a pie now, Cottage Pie is our favourite :D x

    1. I'm just hoping the weather isn't too hot. I hadn't planned for a heatwave this week. lol x

  4. Ohhh qe have hot dogs in the freezer you have just reminded me ;) X
