Friday, 9 September 2016

Back to school. #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

It has to be....Both my girls went back to school this week....Ellie on Tuesday and Becky on Wednesday. She got an extra day off so Year 7's could go in and have a day finding their way about without the hustle and bustle of everyone else.... 

Ellie started back in Year 5. I really can't believe it....It doesn't seem that long since she was in reception class.....She had a change of uniform this year. She now has to wear a shirt, tie and v neck jumper....It makes her look so grown up. She is in a different part of the school and has to go through a different door which is taking a bit of getting used too....She loves her new teacher and I do too....

Every year since Year one Ellie's new teacher has not been told that she is deaf in one ear....Last year enough was enough and I put in a formal complaint and a health care plan was written up.....It did the trick. I went to introduce myself to Ellie's new teacher and I said "Do you know about Ellie's hearing" the new teacher said "Yes, it's her right ear isn't it?" Hooray! The information has been passed along and the teacher actually knew which ear she's deaf in! All day I had been readying myself for an argument....It was such a relief!

Becky went into Year 9.....She's now half way through secondary school....Eek! She went off to school in her blazer that was too big for her, hating me because I didn't get one to fit her perfectly.....It turns out everyone's blazer is too big for them. Mam did know best this time.....hehehe

It turns out this year she has a couple of new subjects added to her timetable....English literature and Spanish. She is really looking forward to Spanish. She loves learning languages and is pretty good at them too....

She did make me chuckle.....She had history and said she had been learning about the World War....I asked which one? One or two? She said "I don't know? It was one of them?" She really needs to pay more attention in subjects which don't interest her....

I'm glad this week is over....The first week back is always the hardest. The early mornings and getting back into a routine. I am so lucky that both of my girls love school....It does make life a whole lot easier....


  1. I'm pleased you are getting the correct help for your daughter. It is a tough week but glad that it was smooth event. X #WOTW

  2. AH, they both look so smart. Glad they're both happily settled back in, and that did make me laugh about the war! Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

  3. I'm glad it's been sorted out with the new teacher hopefully things will be better for her. They grow up so quickly don't they? :) x #wotw

    1. I hope so...
      They really do grow up so fast! I just want to pause things for a couple of years x

  4. The first week is tiring.Great that the school is passing on information. Hope it is a good year for both of them. Glad we don't have blazers. I would never get the right size. #wotw

    1. It really is. I'm so glad it's the weekend....
      Thank you!

  5. Aw how cute they look! I'm so glad they get back into it easily. I always had a blazer too big!! So pleased Ellie's learning plan has been passed along. Good communication is so important x #wotw

    1. Thank you!
      I never had to wear a blazer at school...I would quite fancy one. hehehe

  6. Yay for the school passing on info about Ellie's hearing. I remember seeing my daughter's teacher 3 months after she had started school and she hadn't been told she was autistic. In fact she had trouble remembering who she even was. I had visions of her stuck at the back of the class not speaking to anyone and being ignored all day. She's just started secondary school eek! I love how smart they look in their uniforms on the first day back :)

    1. Oh my goodness! That is terrible. Neglect on their part....
      I can't wait to find out how Star is getting on at secondary school. I hope she had a good start x

  7. Snap - I picked school too :) The school run has certainly been a shock to my system. Sounds like the girls have done well this week :) #wotw

    1. Oh yes, the school run takes some getting used to.
      Thank you.

  8. Glad to hear that the school are on the ball this year with Ellie's hearing - that must be such a relief. I can't believe Becky's in year 9 already, I remember your posts in the run-up to her starting secondary school and that doesn't feel like it was two years ago! Glad to hear that the first week has gone well and that Becky is not alone in having a big blazer! :-)

    1. It was such a relief...
      It really doesn't seem that long since she started secondary school. Time flies.
      Thank you.

  9. It's so much easier when they love school isn't it? Great that Ellie's new teacher didn't need a prompt too. Glad they had a good week back. #wotw

    1. It really is...I couldn't imagine how hard it would be if they didn't like school.
      Thank you.

  10. The girls both look so smart, I'm glad they are both settling in well, time really does fly once they are in school. #WotW

  11. Awww look at them looking so grown up in their uniforms! Glad to know that things are going well in their respective schools. #wotw

    1. Don't they! They're growing up far too fast.
      Thank you.

  12. I always loved school as it gave me something to do. Great to hear that the teacher had learnt about her students prior to teaching them.#WotW

    1. Thank you. It is good that the teacher is already so involved and willing to learn about all her students. It's such a relief x

  13. Fantastic your new school year has got off to a good start. It must be a big relief that Ellie's new teacher has all the information she needs and understands about her deafness. #Wotw
