Friday, 23 September 2016

A week of the unexpected. #WotW

What a week....Last week my word was Humdrum...This week was far from that. This week my Word of the Week is:

Just when we get back into a routine things happened this week which threw us off and we've ended with no routine I am not complaining....It has been the best week!

By now most of you know I won an amazing competition. I have talked enough about it but it has really brightened up my week.....On Monday morning I sat down and opened my laptop and planned on doing some blogging. I checked my emails first and saw there was one from Samantha from North East Family Fun. Tickets to see Disney on Ice next month!! 4 rink side seats to the show, Pre-show hospitality, Goody bags for the kids, The chance to meet two of the stars of the show and transport there and back in a pink limousine! 20 minutes after receiving the email I was speaking to a lovely lady who is organising the prize on the phone who probably things I am a bit of a weirdo.....I hate speaking on the phone at the best of times. After a surprise like this I could hardly spring a sentence together. lol

I am still in shock....I enter competitions but never win big one's...I win little toys for the kids, dvd's and maybe the odd gift voucher. Not things like this.

Monday was a write off....I couldn't focus on anything. I made the kids a video to share the news with them. I caught their reaction on video and they were amazed, happy, excited....They had all the feelings. The ticket arrived on Tuesday which makes it seem more real but I still can't believe it.

Becky came home from school with homework earlier in the week! It may not seem out of the ordinary but she rarely gets homework....If she does it's usually a tiny amount which she does at school at break or lunchtime....I can't actually remember the last time she brought some home.....

She had Maths homework first. I had a quick look. I had actually forgotten how hard maths work is! An example is - Solve 12x + 6 = 102....I really hoped she didn't ask me for help....Maths is not my strong point. The answer is 8 in case you were wondering....Just don't ask me how you work that

Then she went onto the story she had to write. A minimum of a 1000 words....The title was given to her and was "It had yellow eyes"....She finished it in no time.....She used the computer so I went to read it and thought it was brilliant until I saw a web page open. She had copied it from the internet and added a few extra sentences....It was one of those moments where I didn't know whether to tell her off of give her points for trying....I made her stay off the computer and write the whole lot with a pen and paper. She wasn't happy but cheating gets you no where....

On Wednesday I took Ellie to breakfast club as a treat....She does love her breakfast in school. Just after 10am the school rang and said she had been sick could we pick her up. Ugh! I expected her to be poorly but she really wasn't. It looks like she ate something which didn't agree with her. Once she got all of it up she was fine and has been since.....

Yesterday she had the day off school....She wasn't allowed back in due to infection rules.....Ellie had a wonderful day at home...She baked with her dad and then spent the afternoon doing crafts....

It has been a week full of shocks and surprises....Most of them have been the nice kind so I am feeling much happier than I did this time last week.....Phew!


  1. Oh dear about your daughter copying other work but I think you did the write thing in making her self! well done on winning tickets that is going to be a fun day for you and the girls. I hope Ellie gets over the sickness bug. Parenting or life is weird one minute you expect everything to be the same mundane then out of no where things happen and throw you off course! X #wotw

    1. She wasn't very happy about writing the work out but I think she has learned her lesson.
      Thank you.

  2. Congratulations on winning. So exciting and wonderful that the girls were just as excited. Good call on the homework. You wouldn't believe how many try that one, according to my teen. #wotw

    1. Thank you. It was amazing!
      I probably wouldn't have noticed. She left a web page open. lol
      Thank you.

  3. Hooray!!! I had missed this, am so pleased for you all, what a wonderful prize. Oh dear, on the homework front, good job you spotted it before she handed it in! Hope Ellie's all fine now, as you say, probably just something she ate and it gave her some lovely time off by the sounds of it! Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

    1. The prize is amazing...We still can't believe it!
      Ellie is fine now...She had a great couple of days at home. Thank you.

  4. What a wonderful prize, you will all have a brilliant time I'm sure. I love your video, what a reaction :) xx

    1. We will have the best time. I can't wait. Thank you.

  5. Congratulations on your win, that's wonderful I hope you all have a brilliant time, I bet you are still buzzing from it now. #WotW

    1. Thank you. We are still...We don't go for another few weeks and we can't wait. Eek x

  6. So pleased for you winning the Disney on Ice tickets - what a wonderful prize to look forward to. Glad to hear that Ellie being unwell was just a one-off and she enjoyed her day crafting. Lol at Becky copying her story - good idea to make her write it with a pen and paper instead! Hope you all have a lovely weekend :-) #WotW

    1. Thank you. October is going to be a great month...
      She had a fab couple of days off school....
      Thank you.

  7. Hi Kim, what a lovely surprise to start the week. Disney On Ice! It sounds as if Becky is going to go far, but you are right she must learn that cheaters never prosper... Or do they?

    I like the schools infection rule. I wish they had that here instead of putting parents under pressure for keeping children off.


    1. It was the best start to the week....I was on a high all week!
      hahaha! Becky certainly is going to go far. She too clever for her own good sometimes.
      It is good that they have the infection rule but at the same time they complain when I have to take Becky out of school 20 minutes early for her braces. Ugh!

  8. What a brilliant win, I hope you have a fab time. You have to watch with the internet these days, well done you for making her write it out properly

  9. what a lovely win, sounds like a great evening out, and a pink limo to boot.
    Oh dear at the vomiting, and nice try with the cheating.
    aaahhhhh maths, my best subject at school,loved it, I would have sat in a maths class all day, just dont give me English or history. #WotW

    1. It is an amazing win. My best ever!
      Ahh! I can do English and History....Give me that any day. hehehe
