Saturday, 3 September 2016

A photo everyday for a year! #Project366 - Week 35

Over the last week I have taken over 1000 We had a fab day out on Sunday seeing and then Ellie's birthday. It has been the best week! Trying to pick just one photo per day some days has been hard but I managed it and here are my favourite photos from this week....

240/366 27th August.
Domino's for tea!

241/366 28th August.
At the beach when we went to see the Tall ships.

242/366 29th August.
Ellie's Birthday. She had the best day.

243/366 30th August.
We never got around to doing her cake on her birthday so her special day carried on over to the next day.

244/366 31st August.
Becky, my teen.

245/366 1st September.
She has her toy kitchen so organised....More organised than my real kitchen. lol

246/366 2nd September.
Picky, party tea! Stuff the meal plan. hehehe


  1. A thousand!! That's amazing and also mind boggling heehehe!!
    Ellie is 9 - happy birthday to her. She's the same age as my Mademoiselle (well almost, she'll be 9 in November). Hope she had a great bday, and how lovely that it went into the next day too...making every day a birthday !!

    1. We had a birthday and an epic day out....Lots of them were blurred and out of focus. lol
      She had a fantastic day. Thank you!

  2. Happy birthday Ellie :) Looks like a great week and lots of yummy food...

    1. Thank you! We ate so much...We were craving salad by the weekend. lol

  3. Wow 1000 photos, that really is crazy, although I can often be as bad! lol Loving the look of that picky tea, Mich x

    1. We had two exciting days in the week and all the photos weren't in focus. lol
      Thank you x

  4. All the food looks yummy and I love finger food it is the best X #mmbc
