Monday, 5 September 2016

Our Weekly Meal Plan!! - #mealplanningmonday

I think we can just ignore last weeks meal plan....It didn't really go to plan. I think we ate two of the meals I One of those was Ellie's birthday BBQ on Monday which was a huge success....I had obviously bought too much food so the only sensible thing to do was have another BBQ the next day.... 

On Friday we had another fun evening meal. A picnic, party tea. Mini sausage rolls, chicken dippers, onion rings, sandwiches and cakes....Such fun!

This week the kids go back to school.....Ellie on Tuesday and Becky on Wednesday so we're going to get back into a routine....It's Becky's birthday on Saturday so we will be having something yummy to eat....We're not sure what yet as she keeps changing her mind.

This week on the menu we have:

Monday - We're making pizza's....
Tuesday - Cottage pie....
Wednesday - Healthy Pot Noodles....
Thursday - Spanish rice with tuna....
Friday - Spaghetti Bolognese & garlic bread....
Saturday - Something special for Becky's birthday....
Sunday - Out for Sunday Dinner....

What are you eating this week?

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