Thursday, 15 September 2016

I now have a 14 year old...

On Saturday it was Becky's 14th birthday....My little girl is not so little anymore. Eek! It's the first time in years that Becky has had the day off school on her birthday which made the day even more special. There has been a couple of birthdays in the past where her birthday has fallen on the day she went back to school after the summer holidays so this was a real treat!

This year I think I did well buying her presents....She loved every single one and none have been left at the side unused and not being played with.....

I asked her to pick her favorite present and it is of course the poop They have really given us some chuckles. I win at parenting this week....hehehe

I had tried to plan something for Becky's birthday.....We were going to go to the cinema or bowling and for a meal out.....I suggested shopping in Newcastle but in the end Becky decided she didn't want to do anything.....I think after having the first few days back at school had worn her out....She just wanted to stay home and play on the XBox.....I had got the Minecraft Storymode game for the XBox and she played that for a good couple of hours....Which was fine with me.... Whatever the birthday girl wanted she got! 

I did drag her out on the afternoon and bought her some new trainers, some more Xbox games and some clothes.....I think I had a bit of mam guilt. I felt like she wasn't getting as much as Ellie did on her birthday.....

When we came home Becky tried out her new scooter and then had a lovely soak in the bath with one of her Lush bath bombs, got changed into her new pj's and waited for our tea to be delivered....We were getting Domino's.....

As a treat I ordered Becky her own pizza and some Nacho's which she loves....We rarely get them as they are so expensive so it was another treat....We stuffed ourselves silly and watched TV all evening.....

As we were so full from the pizza we held off doing the birthday cakes until Sunday.....Becky thought it was fantastic having her birthday over two days....

I showed her the cakes from Tesco and from Asda and out of all the cakes there was she chose the Haribo one....I made her get another too as it didn't seem special enough....She choose the caterpillar cake. lol

Becky had a fantastic birthday weekend.....It was over in a flash....I think she made the right choice of having a relaxed birthday....I'm slightly worried for next year because this year is going to take some topping! Eek!


  1. wow doesn't time just fly by. Happy birthday to your gorgeous girl and glad she had a great day. What great gifts and a lot of fun xx

  2. Ah, looks like she had a fab time - and relaxed is definitely the way to go. By next year she'll need more of that I'm sure :) Thanks for linking to #PoCoLo and (belated) Happy Birthday Becky
