Saturday, 11 February 2017

A photo everyday for a year - Week 6 #Project365

What a week....Baking cakes, smashed noses and The week has been full of ups and downs but we all survived...

Now for a photo every day!

35/365 - 4th February
On Saturday the girls had fun baking and decorating cakes....

36/365 - 5th February
We were all set to plant sunflowers until I read the instructions and they said wait until March....

37/365 - 6th February
My youngest Ellie has the freakiest and scruffiest looking dolls....She will not part with them though. We have offered to replace them with new one's but she won't have any of it. They are her babies and she loves them just the way they are which is very sweet.

38/365 - 7th February
My canvas arrived. I got it free for being a British Gas customer through their Nectar Point scheme...

39/365 - 8th February
Becky at the hospital.....She fell off her scooter and landed on her face....Obviously when we got to the hospital the swelling started to go down a little and it didn't look as bad as when she first did it....She's sore but fine in herself.

40/365 - 9th February
Becky had a day off school just to rest and recover from her fall....She didn't get out of doing school work. I put her on the laptop and she did quite a few of the revision tests on the school website.

41/365 - 10th February
I opened Ellie's curtains and there was actually a bit of snow on the roof.....It has snowed on and off all day but not enough to lay....Hmmf.


  1. Poor Becky! Glad she wasn't too badly hurt. Your canvas is fab. It's snowed a bit here too, but hasn't settled at all :(

  2. There is nothing like a bit of Betty Crocker baking and decorating. Hope Beckys feeling much better now x

  3. lovely selection of photos on the canvas. you could always plant the sunflowers indoors and transfer them to larger pots to sit on the window sill

  4. I love your canvas, great selection of photos you've chosen, and I adore the Sunflower growing kit. That nose looks sore, I hope she's feeling better now

  5. I love your canvas, looks fab. Poor wee soul. Hope her nose is on the mend. Hugs x

  6. Love canvas. Planting things - we planted lots of cactus seeds - one has sprouted. I've got peppers we need to plant too.

  7. Awww poor girl - hope her nose mends soon. I keep hearing about the Betty Crocker mixes and using a can of coke instead of the egg to make it vegan - not sure how that works though!

  8. Hope her nose recovers too - must have been a bit of shock to find herself on the floor.

  9. Is that a pink paddling pool in the garden?
    Ouch at the sore face, hope she is recovering.
    Was the cake tempting once it was made?

  10. Glad Becky wasn't hurt too bad!! That canvas looks lovely!
