Tuesday, 21 February 2017

When bullies make you cry....

There has been a girl bulling Ellie my 9 year old on and off for at least a year.....She's one of the cool kids who has a little group of followers and as Ellie is a quiet child she just doesn't fit into that group....It keeps getting "dealt with" but the bullying continues...

On Friday morning I was stood in the school yard waiting for the bell to ring....Ellie was stood in her line chatting to a boy and a girl.....Another girl came over and started saying horrid things to her for no reason....She was making such a scene....Shouting smelly Ellie, making wretching noises and other things.....Ellie was just ignoring her....I couldn't though.

I walked straight over wanting the shout and scream at this vile child who was being awful to my girl....I didn't. She is one of those children who would twist it and make me out to be the bad one....I just gave her a look. Her face when she saw me walking over was a picture. She didn't see me in the yard. I took Ellie away from her to stand with my friends and I....I took a few minutes to compose myself and we went to see the headteacher who assured me it would be dealt with.....I was nearly in tears. 

It was horrible seeing my girl bullied right in front of me....I was there to stop it in this instance what about the times when I am not there?

Ellie says she just ignores it but I feel like some of the cruel words said stick in her head.....What if she is one of those kids that you hear about who are bullied and bullied and then one day just kill themselves....I have cried thinking about this. I am 99% sure that on days when Ellie comes out of school in a mood she has been bullied by this girl but Ellie just ignores her....

I have been giving Ellie so many hugs and a lot of attention....I feel so sad for her....I have cried many tears because of this vile bully. Nobody should be crying because of a bully especially not me.....

A few weeks ago the girl was away on a school residential trip and it is the best week Ellie has had at school in a long time....She was coming out every day happy and did some fantastic work.....Coincidence, I think not.

After school on Friday I went to see the head but she was in a meeting....I spoke to Ellie's teacher who knew nothing about it. Which I am not happy about at all. Surely she should have been made aware of what had gone on in the morning in case it carried on in the class room....Ellie's teacher assured me that either her or the head would ring me after the head had got out of her meeting.....I'm still waiting for the phone call.

I had a quick look through the schools anti-bullying policy and it made interesting reading....My girls school is not sticking to their own policy....The kids are on half term this week so on Monday morning I will be in first thing to see the head....This needs sorting now!


  1. Aww, I'm so sorry to hear this - it's so sad when a child gets bullied. If smelly Ellie is the best this genius can come up with, I really hope she can master "do you want fries with that" for later in life ;)

    1. hehehe! This really made me chuckle. I told Ellie this and it made her laugh too.
      Thank you! x

  2. Aw bless her, she is doing the right thing ignoring her but the school should have done something! Hope you get it sorted next week xx

    1. Yep! The school should be doing more. I am livid with them and not being able to speak to them this week is not helping. Each day I am getting angrier and angrier. Thank you!

  3. Margaret Clarkson
    Please be firm with the school and make sure they enact the anti-bullying policy. I really hope you get this sorted out properly.

    1. Oh I will be firm. By the time I see the head teacher I will have been dwelling on it for over a week. She will be getting told. Thank you x

  4. Oh poor Ellie. Kids can be so cruel. We've had a few issues with bullying lately, so much so I had to pick my 16 year old up from school. I hope it gets sorted for her when you go in on Monday, I think it will help that you witnessed it happening x

  5. This made me cry. It must've been so heart wrenching see your girl picked on like that. And, like you I'm surprised Ellie's teacher wasn't aware of the situation. You really do need some proper answers from the Head teacher with the reassurance that the day to day teachers are also brought into the conversations and agree how to stop this. Children can be so mean. Hope Ellie's doing OK xx

    1. Aww! Bless you! It was the worst feeling in the world.
      I am so annoyed Ellie's teacher didn't know...With them being off school for half term it's giving me time to stew on it and I am getting angrier by the day.
      Thank you x

  6. Oh goodness Kim, this is awful. Something needs to be done about it now! School should be a safe place for your daughter. Keep pushing at the school and demanding answers. I'm sorry this is happening x

    1. Yes! It should me. I don't feel like it is a safe place at the moment which is a big worry. Thank you x

  7. Ohh what a nasty little girl. I'm so sorry that Ellie is going through this, when it happened to my boys I was livid, not sure the school knew what hit them when I confronted them about it.
    As good as it is that children can "ignore it", in reality those words do seep in and need to be stopped, the school should have been on top of this by now.
    I hope you get a good, supportive response from the school and that Ellie is back to her chirpy self in no time.

    1. I have a feeling on Monday when I go in the head will be in shock....I have had a week to stew on it and rile myself up.
      Thank you x

  8. So sorry to read this, my Ellie (12) is getting bullied at school by 2 boys (one who she 'went out with' last year and who she 'dumped' but the bullying has gone on for the last year. She has always made out it doesn't bother her but lately I have noticed it does bother her and you can tell when it's been a 'bad day'. She came tonight so happy (we had half term last week) apparently the 2 boys are getting moved tutor groups as well as one of the boys moving back to Chekoslovakia in the summer so I am hoping it will come to an end and be something that, in time, she can forget about.

    1. Oh no! Poor Ellie (Your Ellie). I hope it is then end of the ordeal for your girl. The poor thing. It somehow seems worse when it's boys bullying girls. Sending love and hugs x

  9. Aww so sad. Well done for composing yourself i dont think i could. Good on u exposing the school. They should definatelt be communicating and following policies

  10. First, you did the right thing by not having a go at this girl which is what you obviously wanted to do. Second, this is unnaceptable, get yourself down that school and refuse to move until they have this sorted. I can't believe her teacher did not even know about it. I've been in this situation twice now. with my primary school girl it took a week or two to sort out but they got their act together eventually and my girl has been so much happier since. Every child deserves to be happy in school. With my secondary school daughter they were much stricter and the bully was instantly punished by being put in isolation for a week. Then they were warned that one more complaint by anyone against them and they would be expelled. Problem sorted! There are ways to sort this but the school has a right to stick by their anti bullying policy. You need to be firm and make them see this. I can't bear to hear of poor Ellie being teased like this, it's just not on. xxx sending hugs and strength xx

  11. Poor Ellie. It sounds like you handled the situation very well - I would have struggled not to say something even when not doing so is the better option. I'm so shocked that Ellie's teacher was unaware though. I hope that you manage to get it sorted out and make sure that the school stick to their anti-bullying policy. Well done to Ellie too for ignoring it although I am sure that it must still hurt all the same xx

  12. I think you should be proud of Ellie... As experiencing bullying myself, it is hard to ignore them, but your girl has succeeded and over time, the bully will soon realise that Ellie doesn't care, and hopefully stop :)
    Stay strong, Ellie xx
