Friday, 30 March 2018

A nice week with a few bits of Easter fun thrown in. #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

This week has been a long one....We have been waiting for the school holidays to arrive and they are finally here. We are all ready for Easter....It doesn't seem like we've been up to much over the past week....It's just been a week of normal family life with a few bits of Easter fun thrown in....

On Saturday we went for a mooch around the charity shops and the kids had me buying more Easter treats for them....I am so soft and easily led. That is my excuse for buying massive Reeses Peanut Butter Cup bunnies and lots of other tat we didn't need....hehehe

Ellie was off school on Monday. She had been sent home on Friday after falling asleep in class. She had been coming down with a cold for a few days and it really wiped he out. Over the weekend she was OK but not her normal self. Monday came around and I think with the clocks changing and the cold she had it knocked her again. She had a day snoozing on the sofa and it helped. By Tuesday she was raring to go again!

It was Ellie's school Easter service at the church on Wednesday and all the kids sung their little hearts out....I do love things like this. It got me thinking that it will be the last Easter service we see as they don't do them in secondary school. 

The only thing the secondary school were doing this week was a non-uniform yesterday and that was nothing to do with Easter it was to raise money for a charity.

Yesterday Ellie took all her crafty bits and an undecorated Easter bonnet into school. They decorate them at school so there is no parents helping which I think it really fair. They are judged and a boy and girl in each class are chosen as the winners and receive an Easter egg. Ellie went off with ribbon, felt carrots, chicks, rabbits, little eggs and goodness knows what else....I did talk her out of taking the superglue. That would only end in her being stuck to something. lol

She came out out of school with a smile on her face and an Easter egg....She had won the Easter bonnet making competition in her class. I couldn't have been prouder. 

As she was coming out of school her teacher wished her happy Easter and Ellie gave her a hug which was really unexpected and out of character for her....Ellie is not a hugger. Her teacher was just as shocked as I was. 

During the week we had a fantastic delivery from The Co-op. 80 little Easter eggs for us to do an Easter egg hunt with.

I decided to surprise the kids and yesterday hid 40 of them around the living room....I met Ellie from school and took her to the park until Becky was on her way home from school so they could both walk into the house at the same time and begin the hunt. hehehe 

The kids are really looking forward to Sunday when they can tuck into their Easter eggs and treats....I have been buying little bits every week and the little coffee table in the living room is piled high.

Ellie is back at school on Monday....She has Easter SATs school....It's only 3 hours a day for 4 days and she is really looking forward to it. They will be doing activities and not just sitting at desks writing which is perfect for Ellie she prefers doing hands on things rather than writing....

I hope you all have a wonderful Easter.


  1. Aww, how lovely. I bet she was really pleased. Ellie did an amazing job, it looks great:)That is lovely how they let the children decorate the and not the Mums.

  2. The Easter bonnet is fabulous. A well deserved win. Hope you have a wonderful Easter xx

  3. Yay! Well done Ellie, the bonnet is fantastic. Our school seems to have forgotten all about Easter, no celebration or bonnets or anything, and that's including the Little Man who is only 7! I think it's really sad.
    Have a Happy Easter, enjoy the holiday xx

  4. That's such a good idea to decorate the Easter bonnets in school so the kids get to do it all by themselves. I do love seeing Easter bonnets that are clearly decorated by the kids rather than being done by the parents. Well done to Ellie on winning the Easter bonnet making competition. The Easter egg hunt sounds like it was fun. Hope you all have a lovely Easter :-) #WotW

  5. Well done Ellie excellent design! I hope you have lovely Easter and enjoy all the chocolate, yum X #wotw

  6. A week full to the brim with Easter! Well done to Ellie and how great that she's looking forward to her SATs sessions next week. My son had his Easter bonnet parade, but that stops at KS2, so my daughter had no Easter activities at all - thought she did come home with chocolate so she was fine! Thanks for sharing with #WotW, have a great Easter x

  7. Well done Ellie, that's one fantastic Easter bonnet ! It sounds like you have a fun packed Easter week, have a lovely chocolate filled weekend x #WotW

  8. Ah, lovely of Ellie to win with that beautiful bonnet. It sounds like you've a lot of fun planned for the weekend - I hope it was all enjoyed; and plenty of choccy too. #WotW

  9. Ah I missed doing an Easter Egg hunt this year and all the stuff you don't get at High School, it feels like an era is over ! But we have been mad busy so cant moan, it sounds like Ellie has been in the wars bless her, we were all ready for a great too, have a lovely break x
