Friday, 2 March 2018

This week my Word of the Week has to be Snow! #WotW

This week my Word of the Week has to be:

We finally got a decent amount!

We woke up on Tuesday to snow which wasn't too deep....Getting caught in a blizzard on the school run was no fun though. It snowed on and off all day. I was all set to go Ellie from choir practice just so we could call into the park on the way home and build a snowman. She came home early. The after school clubs were cancelled and I missed the text message. Oops.

Becky came in from school (she got caught in a blizzard and was freezing) saying her school might be closed Wednesday and if it was there would be a notice on the website by 7.15am and Tweets too.....I woke up & checked there was nothing! I was fuming. I was getting the kids ready for school ranting about how stupid it was that the schools were open. Just as Becky was putting her shoes and coat on I checked the school websites one more time and there was a notice saying they were closed! Phew! We had a snow day! The girls were delighted. I was too!

We had a lazy morning and then the girls decided it was to play out in the snow....They just went out in the back yard with Stu and had a great time....

They were in and out all day playing.....Even when it was snowing and blowing a gale they still played. The only thing that stopped them was the thunder & lightning. We got a text from the schools Wednesday tea time to say the school was closed Thursday too....

Ellie has loved having snow days but she was quite gutted she hasn't been able to finish her mock SATs tests.....She did the first one's on Monday, the grammar & spelling tests and she got the results on Tuesday. 

In case you didn't know, Ellie struggles at school. She doesn't concentrate. We are waiting to have her assessed for some sort of Autism and we were told she was behind in everything at the last parents evening late last year. Well....It turns out Ellie isn't that far behind. She got 37 out of 40 in the grammar test. She is top of the class....I am so proud of her...Ellie has a habit of doing this. We worry about something with her, get professional advice then she goes and does what she's supposed to be doing. lol 

It would have been interesting to see if she smashed all the tests or just the grammar one. I am hoping they are rescheduled. Ellie also got to miss her visit to the secondary school which has to be rescheduled and the rehearsals for the school performance for Beauty and the beast was cancelled too...

As I sit here now writing this (Thursday evening) it is still snowing....We'll have 10 minutes of snow then it will be fine for 10 minutes then it snows again....There is a good few inches. It's up to the front door step and is showing no signs of going anywhere yet. The schools are closed again today but we will have to venture out. We're just about out of bread and milk and Tesco are not delivering to us. I haven't bothered making an order for tomorrow because I have a feeling they're still won't get here.

Have you had much snow?


  1. Snow has certainly dominated your week! We've had some here but not loads, though it's snowed every day. We do have a snow day today, which is good as the roads are awful and it's so windy and cold. Well done to Ellie, that's great news on her SATs x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  2. Glad the girls have been able to enjoy the snow and hope you manage to get out okay to get some bread and milk. Well done to Ellie on doing so well on her grammar test x #WotW

  3. You seem to have had longer with snow than us. Ours started on Thursday and hasn't really stopped. My lot are in the garden making an igloo. I see it as survival skills! Hope everything gets rescheduled for you. Well done Ellie. She can do it. #wotw

  4. Wow you have had loads of snow, we got some but it's all but cleared up now although it's still freezing. Well done to Ellie on her great results, I hate it when schools say kids are behind it's nonsense every child is unique and learns at their own pace. Hope you have a lovely weekend x

  5. It has been so cold and ☃ here too. I am glad ellie has done well. Well done X #wotw

  6. It looks like you have had more snow than us, up until today that is, it actually started snowing properly this afternoon and hasn't stopped. Well done Ellie in her grammer, that's lovely. I hope she does well on the rest of her tests. The SATS are still causing big problems in our house.

  7. Well done her. I hope that, at least, some fun can be got out of the continued snow.

  8. Snow thing youve had a bit more than us in lancashire - we're making the most of it while it lasts

  9. We’ve had some snow but not much so school has been open all week. Well done to Ellie on her grammar

  10. We've had 4 or 5 inches of snow in South Yorks. Nothing to worry too much about. No idea why all the schools have been shut all week though! They never shut when I was a lad!
    My wife used to be a school teacher and once got docked a day's wages for failing to get to her school, even though she walked 4 miles through the snow to find all public transport cancelled! How times have changed...

  11. I agree that school run in show is just the worse. We did this last Thursday. And then reaching school we were sent back. Goodness the snow is just so much. Good thing the school let my son stay few minutes till the snow is calmer then we went out.

    It seldom snow in here too so like you we are trying to enjoy it while it last. #wotw

  12. Snow has definitely been the theme of the week. And well done to Ellie on the mock! #WotW

  13. I cant believe how much snow we have had, but the boys have loved it and we have been out for lots of long family walks, and well done Ellie you little star, I bet you are so proud of her Kim x

  14. My eldest and I enjoyed playing air guitar as we watched your video. My girls stayed in for a lot of the time bar baby's nap when I let eldest out into the garden. #WotW

  15. Shame it was not here for Xmas
