Thursday, 22 March 2018

The Lottie Doll with a cochlear implant....

I received an email from the lovely Lottie Dolls last week with information about their newest doll. I haven't been asked to write this but I did want to share....

Ellie is deaf in one ear....She was born with some hearing loss in it which gradually got worse over the years...I have blogged about it in the past....A few years ago a cochlear implant was mentioned but as she still has hearing in her good ear it wasn't an option.

Lottie Dolls Mia the Wildlife Photographer has been created to reflect the brand's mission: that childhood should be an inclusive place, where every child belongs regardless of gender, ethnicity or ability.

Although Mia wears a cochlear implant this is part of her story rather than a focal point. A keen photographer, the Mia character also has a mission to encourage children to take an interest in nature and wildlife.

Mia was created following consultation with Toy Like Me, a UK non-profit who campaign for diversity in the toy-box and for better representation of disabilities so that differently-abled children can see themselves reflected in the toys they play with.

I think this doll is such a wonderful idea....Better than wonderful. 

It would be great for a child without any disability to learn about others with disabilities....Seeing someone with a cochlear implant wouldn't be strange and they would think of it as normal....It is a fantastic way to educate youngsters and change their attitudes towards disabilities....

For a child with hearing loss it would be fantastic to show that there is other people with cochlear implants and they are quite normal....It would be a great gift for a child before they actually get a cochlear implant....

Do you think dolls like this are a good idea? Would you buy your child something like this?


  1. I think it's great that dolls are being created to reflect people with conditions too. #mmbc

  2. I'd buy this in a heartbeat if my daughter was still young enough to enjoy dolls! I think it's absolutely brilliant, both that her disability is visible and that it's not the be-all and end-all. Really, really love it. #PoCoLo

  3. I have heard about this doll and think it is fantastic to see disabilities being introduced into toys for kids to show there is diversity within life X #pocolo

  4. I've not heard of this doll but I think a toy is a wonderful idea for representing disabilities.
    Perhaps when kids understand, there will be less bullying in schools.


  5. I think it's brilliant - such an inclusive way of normalising this and like Mrs T says bringing acceptance. Thanks for sharing with #PoCoLo
