Saturday, 24 March 2018

Sharing a photo everyday for a year - Week 12. #Project365

Another week is over....It started with snow and yesterday it seemed like a spring day....We had a couple of showers but the sun was shining for most of it....

Now for a photo every day....

76/365 - 17th March
Saturday night Easter eggs....hehehe The kids will be gutted when Easter is over with. 

77/365 - 18th March
Ellie and her dad made a space shuttle for her creative homework....It is now proudly on display in the school library. There was a school assembly where the kids were showing off their creations yesterday afternoon but Ellie missed it as she got sent home from school poorly. She's fine now. 

78/365 - 19th March
A sunny school run...

79/365 - 20th March
We tried out the Tilda Kids range of rice and the kids loved them...

80/365 - 21st March
Ellie hated brushing her teeth until we got a new toothpaste and toothbrush which is aimed at 9 to 12 year olds. I have a blog post about it next week.

81/365 - 22nd March
I have been sent a phone to review. Thursday was a day of taking photos and making a video unboxing & setting it up. Stu has already claimed it....He didn't have a mobile phone and my girls and I do so it was only fair....

82/365 - 23rd March
I have spent the past couple of weeks buying the kids treats for Easter but I forgot about my fella and I until he mentioned where were our eggs. Tesco didn't let us down and I added a couple to the grocery order. I can't wait to eat mine (the Thorntons one)


  1. Lovely photos Kim, whoo lots of yummy Easter eggs. I think my will just be getting 1 egg each this year and money as Gluten free eggs are so expensive. I love Thornton's eggs too. #MMBC

  2. I haven’t had a single eater egg yet. I feel like I should take a good wander down the chocolate aisle!

  3. Lol @ Saturday night Easter eggs, and why not?! My guys have already chomped on some smaller size Oreo eggs. I got a big Cadbury Roses for Sash, and still need to buy one for Eddie, he loved the sight of a chocolate bunny bum egg from M&S, he thinks it is hilarious. You're a lovely wife to give a new phone to your DH.

  4. you do know easter isn't till next weekend don't you? saying that the teen and i ate and replaced 4 during the snow lol #365

  5. I love the space shuttle. I hope the OH is happy with his new phone. I still need to get Easter eggs for my husband and parents.

  6. Enjoy all the Easter eggs. My son tried that rice a few years ago and wasn't as keen on it as normal rice, I should try him again really. #365

  7. we tried the tilda rice a few years back, myself and Fifi quite liked it.
    I never buy Easter eggs, not for my own kids or the grandkids....maybe I am I always prefer to buy them something none food related.

  8. You have been busy testing things out. H could do with some help on the teeth brushing front. He has got a bit better since the dentist told him off and we tried the plaque disclosing tablets.

  9. We have finally started on our Easter eggs now :) hope you enjoy yours! My kids all have mild toothpaste as they don't like mint but I refuse to buy strawberry or any other flavour! #project365
