Monday 2 April 2018

Our Weekly Meal Plan!! - #mealplanningmonday

Last weeks meal plan went OK...We moved the Lasagne and garlic bread to yesterday and had party food on Saturday. Mini pizza's and sausage rolls, corn dogs, chicken dippers and things like that. I decided to cook the roast dinner today.

The kids are off school for their Easter holidays mostly. Ellie has 4 mornings at school for SATs revision which she is looking forward to and my teen and I are planning to have a sneaky visit to the cinema to see The Greatest Showman. Ellie won't miss out though I have promised her a visit to soft play.

This week on the menu we have:

Monday - A roast pork dinner with all the trimmings....
Tuesday - Hot dogs in buns with fries.....
Thursday - Breakfast burritos....
Saturday - Pizza.... 
Sunday - Some sort of casserole in the slow cooker....

What will you be eating this week?

1 comment :

  1. I want to make a fresh start after Easter on so many fronts and meal planning is one of them because it makes absolute sense and I need to be inspired by folks like you who do it rather than just talking about it #MMBC
