Saturday, 7 April 2018

Smoothies, my family tree and dancing. Week 14. #Project365

We've had a strange week with Becky my teen being off school and Ellie going into school during the Easter holidays for SATs revision....She's been there 3 hours a day and has loved it. Learning was fun and there was snacks and non-uniform. 

Now for a photo every day....

89/365 - 31st March
I bought a Breville blender and we tried it for the first time on Saturday....Yum! The smoothies were delicious.

90/365 - 1st April
I saw that Ancestry. com was free over the Easter weekend and had great fun researching where I came from. It was so interesting.

91/365 - 2nd April
We had a big roast dinner. I made far too much but that meant there was plenty the next day for me to eat. My three favourite things in the bowl. Roast parsnips, potatoes and pigs in blankets....

92/365 - 3rd April
Easter treats...

93/365 - 4th April
The most delicious drink. Mango, pineapple, peach, banana and orange juice smoothie!

94/365 - 5th April
Wine time.

95/365 - 6th April
The kids playing Just Dance on the Wii.


  1. I love love a good roast dinner and I think my fave has to be roast potatoes and gravy on everything. I love finding out about people’s ancestries. It’s so interesting to see where people come from and how they must have travelled through different places for a better life.

  2. Love your smoothies and roasties. We had a salmon, so no pigs in blankets. I want some now! Glad to hear that Ellie enjoyed going to school during holidays. Researching the sounds fascinating.

  3. Oh the Breville Blender looks pretty good. Like the sound of the mango one!

  4. not a lover of pigs in blankets but love roast parsnips.
    Use to love a smoothie, but no use now that I cannot eat raw fruit.
    cant mind the last time I used the Wii

  5. I love the free weekends on Ancestry . com. hope you had a happy easter

  6. Ahh how do you find the Breville?
    I love mine so much I bought another one to have at my mums when I visit her haha!
    Love, Debs @

  7. Smoothies look fabulous! Be sure to add frozen banana with frozen fruit to a little milk for a frozen smoothie. Great dessert #MMBC

  8. The school are taking the SATs very seriously aren't they? Love the look of the smoothies.

  9. Wow, I have never known as school to open for SATs revision, I guess that is a good thing. Those smoothies sound delicious!

  10. My fiance loves his Breville smoothie maker. I love researching my family history so I'm gutted I didn't see that offer :( #project365
