Friday, 20 April 2018

This week my Word of the Week is: Thinking #WotW

This week my Word of the Week is:

This week I seem to have done a lot of thinking about various things....Most of my thinking was about trivial things.

Last week I was complaining about the cold this week it seems that summer has arrived early....Ellie has already asked to get the paddling pool out several times. I don't even know where it is. I think it's in the shed somewhere but I'm not going looking for it yet. I did nearly send my fella into the shed to look for the BBQ though. I have been thinking about meal planning and getting excited for lighter, summer food. Salads, BBQ food and things like that....

The kids both returned to school this week....The Easter holidays seemed to last forever. I think it's because we didn't do much. They were happy to go back feeling recharged and refreshed....

Both the girls are now staying for extra revision lessons after school now.....Ellie for her SATs and Becky for her English literature GCSE which is coming up soon....Her year is doing them a year early. English literature this year and then they can focus on studying for the English language exam next year....Becky hadn't planned on telling me about the revision class but the school are wise to teenagers pulling the wool over their parents eyes and they sent a text out informing everyone. hehehe.

I have found myself thinking about death a little this week which is an awful thing to think about....The weekend saw the devastating news about Jessica and then I discovered Emily Hayward on Youtube who is seven years into a cancer battle and is vlogging her journey....She has been given less than a year to live and is living life to the fullest in the most upbeat way....Things like this really make me think how lucky I am.

Last night the woman from CYPS came to meet Ellie along with her colleague....The "maybe it's autism" saga continues. There is something there....Enough for them to follow through with a full assessment....Ellie will be going to one of the centres for a play assessment where she will be observed along with kids round about her own age and they are going to observe her in school....I knew Ellie's issues were not just down to her hearing loss. It feels like we have really taken a step forward in helping my girl....


  1. Lots of thinking for you this week. Sounds like progress with getting help for Ellie and glad both went back to school refreshed ready for their hard work with revision. Like you, Jessica has been on my mind a lot this week, so utterly devastating x Thanks for sharing with with #WotW

  2. It sounds like you've had a lot to think about this week, I've been thinking a lot about Jessica too it's just so sad. It's great news that you are finally getting somewhere with the CYPS, it must be such a relief that they are listening at last. Hope you have a lovely weekend x

  3. Lots on your mind this week... Clever of the school to inform the parents re: revision class. Also it is great that steps are being made with getting Ellie some help; I bet you feel a weight lifted a little. Much like you, and others it seems, Jessica has still been on my mind throughout this week also - so sad.

    I hope you & your family have had a lovely weekend. #WotW
