Wednesday 18 April 2018

The one word challenge....

I saw The one word challenge over on The Inspiration Edit months and months ago. I have been meaning to post it for ages. I do love things like this. You answer a set of questions using one word. Sounds simple but thinking and sticking to one word is not!

Where is your phone? Table.
Your hair? Greasy.
Your dad?  Hero.
Your other half? Amazing.
Your favourite food? Pizza.
Your dream last night? Strange.
Your favourite drink? Cola.
Fear? Death.
Favourite shoes? Trainers.
Favourite way to relax? Blogging.
Your mood? Relaxed.
Where were you last night? Home
I love? Family.
Something that you aren’t? Confident.
Muffins? Chocolate.
Wishlist item? Camera.
Where you grew up? Teesside.
Last thing you did? Blogged.
What are you wearing now? Pyjamas.
Something you hate? Hospitals.
Friends? Hilarious.
Life? Unpredictable.
Regrets? Some.
Missing someone? Dad.
Your pet? None.

Feel free to copy and answer these yourself.

1 comment :

  1. Hi Kim, you did well. I'm not sure I could do it though, I waffle on far too much. Love the honesty about your hair, that did make me laugh.

