Sunday, 10 March 2019

A perfect washing day! #MySundaySnapshot

The washer was broken a few weeks ago when we had glorious weather. Since the washing machine has been fixed it's been grey, wet and damp so I haven't been able to get any on the line to dry until yesterday! It was dry, sunny and very windy. Perfect for drying clothes! It made me so happy to see everything out on the line!


  1. I thought this too and hung loads of washing out... then it hailstoned!

  2. There is nothing more pleasing than a line of washing drying in the wind. I have a rotary line so I don't have to move when hanging out, I just swing it around. :)

  3. I love to get my washing out on the line! It must have been a nightmare to have a broken washing machine.

  4. Firstly you brought back fond memories of my mum referring to good washing and drying days. Thank you. I love how you keep it real on your blog #MMCBC

  5. I love being able to hang all the washing out to dry it saves so much money too which is a huge bonus x #MMBC

  6. That reminds me of my early childhood and helping my mother hang up the laundry on the line. I hated doing it in the winter when things froze. #MMBC

  7. I think that washing dried in the fresh air always smells so much cleaner and fresher :)


  8. It’s great when you can get things out on the line isn’t it #mysundaysnapshot

  9. Ahh it really is getting like spring time xx

  10. Nothing more satisfying than a full clothes line - I haven't had weather for it though sadly. Thanks for linking up to #MySundaySnapshot.
