Monday, 4 March 2019

Our weekly meal plan. 4th - 10th March! #MealPlanningMonday

Last weeks meal plan went pretty well. The slow cooker beef & tomato casserole was delicious but Ellie was not a fan. She decided that she didn't like beef any more and the tomatoes didn't taste like tomatoes (they did. lol). She ended up with a bowl of cereal. We didn't have the sausage casserole yesterday. We had a day of watching films and by the time I thought about tea it was too late to make it. We're having it today.

Tuesday is pancake day which the girls are looking forward to. Every year I make them from scratch and every year I end up in the kitchen stressed because they are not working out. This year I am cheating and I've bought ready made one's. It will be stress free!

This week on the menu we have:

Monday - Sausage casserole, mash & veg.
Tuesday - Pancakes! 
Wednesday - Chilli con carne.
 Thursday - BBQ chicken with pasta and sauce.
Friday - Pizza.
Saturday - Chicken egg-fried rice, vegetable spring rolls and prawn crackers.
Sunday - Chicken and chips.

What are you eating this week?


  1. We'll be having pancakes here tomorrow too!


  2. Definitely pancakes in our house this week. I make them from scratch but get stressed at how long they take, especially when you've a family of 7. You just finish round 1 and they are ready for round 2. Not sure I'll be eating them, I've got the dentist tomorrow.
    We haven't had Chilli Con Carne for ages, might give that a go.

  3. Ooh, thank you for the reminder about pancake day! I love making them and reminding my kids of my English roots :) #MMBC

  4. Yes I made a mental note of pancake day. I really want to eat egg fried rice, delicious X #mmbc

  5. Hope you enjoy your pancakes! We are having them tomorrow too but my husband will make them because I can't make them however much I try. #mmbc

  6. I will have to have a think about pancakes for tomorrow - I forgot all about that when writing up the menu plan ! Your daughter made me laugh - sounds like something one of mine would say ! xx

  7. Nothing wrong with a nice ready made pancake! Sounds good to me!

    Also, your Chinese night sounds delicious!

    Thanks for linking up and I hope you have a fantastic week.

  8. Sausage casserole sounds delicious, as does chicken egg-fried rice. You have once again made me hungry! x

  9. good call on the pancakes as it is stressful and never what you imagined xx chicken egg fried rice now we have not had that in ages x
