Saturday, 7 November 2020

(Ad - Gifted) Premium Glass Straws from VASO - Review!

I am all for doing my bit to help the world and as much as I complained at first about not using single use plastic straws I have came around to the idea of using reusable one's and recently I was sent some premium glass straws to try.

VASO Glass straws

VASO launched their range of premium glass straws in the UK at the start of the year. The glass straws offer consumers a reusable, sustainable and recyclable product and packaging that delivers a 100% pure taste as they are free from plastics, toxins, mineral oils and BPA.

I have always said drinking from glasses or glass bottles is different from drinking from plastic cups or bottles. Everything tastes so much better from glass and the straws are no different.

This mixed pack of VASO’s premium glass straws offers you the choice of 4 straws of any length. You can simply select an option of which mixed size of glass straws that you would like. They cost £15.49 for 4 of the straws and I think it well worth the price considering they can and probably will last years.

VASO glass straws 2

The straws are an extremely high quality product, engineered in Germany from toughened glass. They also have a range of bamboo travel cases that have been specifically designed for their straws.

Did you know that people are utilising their own reusable straws when dining and drinking out during the current pandemic to reduce contact points.

VASO’s range of straws have been tested to extremely high temperatures but to ensure that the straws have a long lifespan it is recommended that they are to be used within the -40 degrees to +200 degrees range. Whether this is for cleaning on consuming liquids. As the straws have a thick wall (1.5mm) and are made from glass they conduct much less heat when compared to metal straws, so are great for warm or cold drinks.

It is recommend that glass straws should not be used by children but ultimately it’s at the discretion of the parent or guardian.

I think these would make a great gift for one of those people who think a lot about helping our planet out a bit or someone who like the more luxurious things in life. I can't wait to give these a good try over Christmas drinking my Baileys.

I was sent four VASO glass straws free of charge in exchange for this blog post.

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