Monday, 2 November 2020

Our weekly meal plan! 2nd - 8th November. #MealPlanningMonday

meal plan header

Last weeks meal plan all went to plan. Hooray! The kids loved the party tea on Saturday. It was the treat they needed with not being able to go trick or treating but to be honest even if they were allowed to go the weather was terrible. It rained all day!

We've made the decision to go and do the bulk of the Christmas shopping today after Saturday's announcement. We'll be getting the stocking fillers and pj's which I usually get in December. The kids have missed out on so much this year, I don't want them to miss out on their usual Christmas presents too if lockdown is extended.

I'm not planning on getting a shopping over this coming weekend. We have more than enough in the freezer and cupboards to eat and to be honest I can't be bothered with the stress of getting a delivery slot and then worrying about what is getting delivered. My dad's partner was in Asda yesterday and saw the shelves emptying with people panic buying again. Ugh!

On the menu this week we have:

Monday - Greggs pasties and cakes.
Tuesday - Slow cooker beef stew and mash.
Wednesday - Fish fingers, smiley potato shapes and spaghetti hoops.
Thursday - Pie & mash.
Friday - Pizza.
Saturday - Chicken chow mein, spring rolls and prawn crackers.
Sunday - A fry up. Sausages, bacon, black pudding, mushrooms, baked beans, tomatoes and toast.

What are you eating this week?


  1. oh it really is stew weather now isn't it, I can't wait to make a nice steaming stew with dumplings. I've actually done a menu this week, but I don't know if I've thought it through properly and I'm already making changes. I will be doing my Christmas shopping online. I generally start adding a few extra foodie treats to each weekly shop from November too. (I just have to hide them well) x

  2. We have had two lockdowns here and neither time did people react by clearing the supermarket shelves. I don't know what it happens in the UK! #MMBC

  3. I've noticed our store shelves emptying a bit too even though we haven't had any official anoutcments of another lockdown. We had rainy and snowy weather most of the weekend and I was ever so thankful that my boys outgrew trick or treating a few years ago. #MMBC

  4. Your dinners this week sound so delicious and hearty! Thanks for linking up and I hope you're keeping well x
