Sunday, 25 December 2022

Merry Christmas! #MySundaySnapshot

So it's here! Christmas day, the day we've been preparing for, for months! I hope whatever you are doing you have a good day. Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays. 

We are at home, just the 4 of us, well mostly. Becky will be spending most of the day in bed getting ready for another night shift. The plan is for her to come in from work this morning, open her presents and have some breakfast with us then sleep until about 6pm, have a tiny bit of Christmas dinner as technically it's her breakfast and then go to work. I am so proud that she is working but it does make me a little sad that we can't spend the day together but that's life. I know over the next few days we'll be having plenty of time together.

We've had a busy few days, we went out for a family meal on Friday night for my dad's birthday and we all had a great time. I managed to get a few photos of the girls and me and it's crazy how alike we look, it's only when we're lined up like this that I realise.

Me and my girls.

My Sunday Snapshot


  1. I hope that you all had a lovely Christmas Day and that you got to spend time together when Becky was off from work. Wow! three of you look very much alike!!

  2. Great photo of you and your girls (ahem, young women!) I hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

  3. Wow! You do look so alike. I hope you all had a lovely day. You must be very proud of Becky for working.

  4. There is a definite likeness, lovely picture! Thanks for linking up and sharing your snapshots with #MySundaySnapshot throughout 2022. Here's to further photographs in 2023, may all your wishes come true this year :)
